View Full Version : Blood in urine

Worried of Norwich
09-03-15, 21:42
I went to see the doctor recently with stomach pains, and rumbling within the stomach. My doctor felt it was caused by an IBS flare up or a build up of stomach acid,although no burning sensation. She started me on Lansaprazole and took a urine sample to rule out a UTI. She found a very small trace of blood in my urine and requested a re-test a week later when she found the same again. She has now advised to go back in one months time to have tested again but no other symptoms of anything urine related. She has told me not to worry although she will request an investigation to rule out other things if she finds it again. I am absolutely terrified!!!! I have looked up the subject and all I can find is Bladder Cancer. It has sent my HA through the roof...can anyone help or reassure that has been in this situation...I am usually very healthy and am a 43 year old woman who has never smoked.

09-03-15, 22:26
My wife had a blood test recently after having stomach problems. This had small traces of blood found, so called invisible blood. Next test a month later the same. Next one recently, nothing, absolutely zilch.

I am absolutely sure that you have nothing to worry about.

09-03-15, 23:19
I have also had this please do not worry the dipsticks are very sensitive it will clear on next one im sure x

10-03-15, 18:58
If she suspected bladder cancer, she wouldn't tell you to go back in a month. Trust me.

It's probably just something simple like an infection.

Toby :)

13-03-15, 21:05
Hi I am 55 and had routine urine test two days-ago and it showed small trace of blood. It was sent to the lab and it showed no infection, but they are still testing for something else?? I am so scared. I've had no pain or anything. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If not infection is cancer the only other thing?

13-03-15, 21:51
Hi Jujujojo,

There's literally no need to worry because that's only routine!

When I had blood in my urine they sent a sample off to the labs.

Trust me, nothing to worry about. It's just to check that nothing else is causing it.

And no, cancer is not the only cause of blood in urine. The cause of mine was some kind of virus trying to escape my body and the blood was my bodies way of trying to get rid of that virus. There are LOADS of other causes such as too much exercise, medication etc.

Anyway, if he did suspect cancer he would've told you, not keep it away from you.

Toby :hugs:

14-03-15, 12:39
Hi Toby, thank you for your reply. I suffer with health anxiety and have had almost three months of hell with various GERD problems so just as that was settling this issue with the blood trace came up! It has sent me on a downward spiral again😞. Just worried about what it can be?!

Worried of Norwich
25-03-15, 20:28
Hi Jujujojo,

I totally know and understand how you feel. Ever since they found the trace of blood in my urine I have felt terrible. Every little pain or twinge I have linked it somehow to that and the odd thing is I never even went to the doctors with issues in that area at all. All my blood tests have come back as spot on perfect so its just this issue now..