View Full Version : moaning about my life Living with GAD :(

09-03-15, 21:47
I have suffered with gad Depression and social anxiety, i have no real lofe friends :'( i am a 19 year old girl , also i have always got bullied by people my teeth are a weird colour im a big girl in weight and height. the only way i communicate with the outside world is xbox. if i didnt have xbox i wouldnt be typing this message (not in a suicidal way). it all started off i went to this boys every weekend with my friends and met someone there he was my boyfriend ( thought he was ) one day he said its over but hey thats not what made me ill. my friends was like has some vodka i do not drink im a good girl i was 16 at the time i experienced my first panic attack boy it was scary!! i went home and cryed to my mum.month later i started thinking people are trying to posion me or kill even my parents and my siblings , i got cbt and it improved but i still get it. now im 19 and have a long distance relationship , he dont understand my illnesses but he does try hes my everything <3.

10-03-15, 16:03

Welcome to the site. It's all really common. It'll pass in time. Try not to withdraw from everyone and worry about it all. Confidence, anxiety etc can all go up and down. Try and build your confidence back up and feel better about yourself.
You're still young and have lots of time to do something nice with your life.
Don't waste too much time worrying about it all. Put your mind on things you enjoy and improving your situation.