View Full Version : Shoulder pain

09-03-15, 22:41
Anyone here experienced bilateral shoulder pain / aching after being sick / spending a day in bed?

I had food poisoning yesterday and was vomiting with diarrhoea and a fever. The vomiting and diarrhoea has passed, the fever lingered but has now gone. However, I still have shoulder ache / pain that comes in waves and feels like my shoulders are cold...

I'm hoping it's just caused by pulled muscle from vomiting or laying in bed for a day. But I have had heartburn for few months and slightly concerned about throat cancer or something similar.

I'm 26, male.


09-03-15, 22:57
Hi, Dedre, you will have strained a muscle whilst being sick, it is quite common. Also, if you were resting in bed or the sofa you probably didn't care how you were lying as long as you were comfy, I'm certain it's related to your bug. :-)

09-03-15, 23:14
Thanks Cee for your comment. The logical part of me is saying the same. I think the speed it came on also suggests a pulled muscle or strain from lounging in bed all day. I can sleep now because of the pain, am sat on sofa with blanket over my head (the warmth eases the pain). I feel about 8 lol.

09-03-15, 23:20
Have you taken painkillers? Take some and maybe a hot water bottle on the area that hurts. Also, in bed place a pillow between your shoulders. Hope this helps, you'll be fine I'm sure :)

09-03-15, 23:22
Taken some paracetamol, can't find any ibuprofen though. I will try a hot water bottle as heat does seen to help. Thanks for the words of wisdom!