View Full Version : Chest pains...so scared!

09-03-15, 23:36
Hello does anybody get a sharp pain in there chest in the middle if they lay funny? Like on the arm? I've had it before but this time I'm in a major panic because I have pain in my back too! So as the pain come i feel hot and anxious. Advice please somebody ??

10-03-15, 01:12
Yep, mine comes from a small injury at the joint between the sternum and ribs. Some positions can bring very sharp pain, but otherwise it's perfectly fine.

It's mostly likely a pulled muscles in the ribcage or a small misalignment of a rib or something in the back, which frequently brings pain along the ribs up to the very front. You could try applying heat or cold or pay a visit to a chiropractor, massage therapist or physiotherapist.