View Full Version : Pain in chest when eating after weekend of drinking

10-03-15, 17:50
Hi all,

Had quite a busy weekend, Thursday night was out with all my mates as my friend as just has a baby so we was wetting the babies head, I had quite a bit too drink infact I dont even remember the night... Felt really ill on the Friday then I was out on Saturday night as a mates birthday, was not AS bad as Thursday but still fairly drunk, on Sunday I woke up with really bad heartburn, it went during the afternoon but then I had dinner and it felt quite painful in the chest area when swallowing, it is doing it now 2 days on from Sunday but does not feel as bad, also if I take a deep breathe in my chest slightly hurts/feels tight.

I am forgot too take my antidepressants since weds(started on them again today, dont normally miss them just been so busy)

I think maybe it was due to the weekend drinking but am worried it could be cancer or maybe I have done some serious damage!

10-03-15, 18:16
With all due respect, drinking with anxiety and while on meds is detrimental to your health in many aspects.

For your own safety and future health, please seriously consider changing this behavior.

Positive thoughts

11-03-15, 02:46
Yeah, when I started my meds I swore off drink all together. I miss beer a bit but it isn't worth it long term.

11-03-15, 12:04
Agreeing with FMP and Red. Alcohol fuels both anxiety and depression. I gave up drinking when I first got HA as I thought I was going to get liver cancer - awful at the time but served me well since I don't miss it at all.