View Full Version : horrible symptoms on sertraline

10-03-15, 19:07
Day 4 on sertraline I took 50ml at 8am didn't feel too bad during the day but now my head feels tense, I feel dizzy/faint and sick and shaking inside with waves of dred...hope this wears off...sick of feeling unwell everyday ;-(

10-03-15, 19:08
When I took them, I took them before bed, bypassing most of the side effects. During the day I felt a little off, like I had a very weak flu, but that was it.

Maybe night time is best for you, but ask your doctor first if its ok for you to take them at night :)

11-03-15, 06:17
they were too over the top for me had come off now on mirtazapine which is beaut sleep like a baby but get daytime tiredness the sertaline just made me shake

13-03-15, 02:21
I'm on 150mg sertraline and if i'm honest (started on 50, few weeks later on 100 and a few weeks after that 150) i don't get no side effects or even positive effects, i suppose everyone reacts different, last year i was on cil....pram something and they really didn't agree with me, hope you find the right one for you