View Full Version : Gerd/hiatal hernia

10-03-15, 19:21
I have MILD gerd with sliding hiatal hernia. My symptoms are on & off. The medication nexiun helps but I notice tea at times triggers symptoms. I mean decaf tea. It only triggers symptoms sometimes & other times is fine. I cannot drink coffee, reg or decaf or caffeinated tea without symptoms. Has anyone heard of this? Thank You!

10-03-15, 20:59
Yeah, had GERD and it can be made worse by pretty much anything that can be swallowed, depending on the person.

Have you perhaps noticed if it makes things worse only when you take it at a certain time of the day? Or maybe with/without certain foods? When stressed vs calm or when rested vs tired?

In my case it was particular foods, and removing them removed the problem 95%. Went from max dose of nexium to nothing at all too. Not saying it can always be managed without medication though, depends on each case I guess.

10-03-15, 22:46
The only thing I notice is that sometimes I can drink decaf tea & other times it's a problem. I'm not sure if the food I'm having with it is exacerbating it. It's happened with different foods, but not always. Thru research i found that ibs & gerd/ histal hernia are quite commonly found together & I do have ibs.

10-03-15, 23:24
I have Gerd and have done for 12 years. I also use Nexium 40mg plus very often ranitidine, metaclopromide and gaviscon advance. Some days a piece of toast will set it off and a hot vindaloo curry will not. I think its just a case of it flares up when it flares up.

I also have IBS - seems they go hand in hand with each other.