View Full Version : Dad ill-Anxiety at a high

10-03-15, 21:33
Hi all, I didn't know really where best to post this best, but anyways....this week so far has been pretty awful for me....my dad was suddenly admitted to Hospital over the week-end as he felt unwell. After tests at the Hospital it turned out he had a blood clot on his lung, which had gotten there from his leg initially. It sort of went unnoticed a) due to my dad not recognising the symptoms soon enough and b) his GP telling him his symptoms were down to a virus....in any event, it seemed like they luckily caught it and he was under high dependency at first. I was really worried, but a bit relieved to hear he was getting on well on the ward and everyone was very attentive. He got in touch with me this morning to say he had been moved in the middle of the night to a different ward with more patients and the staff were more rushed, but still nice. I was worried as he seemed to be a bit unhappy and being in hospital is a very new thing for my dad-he's not used to it. I'm feeling really worried for him though, as my dad is 80 and obviously not in the best of health. The problem is, i can't seem to get any answers off of anyone on how he is progressing-it's hard too as I am at work most of the time and also I am one of those people who really struggles going into Hospitals....it's just a fear of them and seeing sick people around-especially when one of them is your father! I feel guilty, as I haven't been in yet, but have been writing letters and messaging when possible. My mum goes in to see him, but never comes back with any information-she always says there's never anyone around to ask...I am really struggling at the moment, as an anxious person even in the best of situations, this is really taking its toll. I have told people at work so they understand and they have all been lovely, but I'm just terrified my dad won't come home again and I won't ever get any answers from anyone...I feel so useless and upset at the moment...I am not familiar with his condition at all and am worried that his age will make the recovery process even harder...has anyone else had any direct or indirect experience with this sort of thing or any coping advice about going into hospitals? Thank you for taking the time to read this.

10-03-15, 21:47
All you need to do is ask your mum to get a telephone number for the ward, then ring the ward and ask for an update on his treatment and progression. It really is that simple, nothing to worry about. As you are his daughter they will let you know the information you are seeking.

10-03-15, 21:55
I've just read a bit on it and it says they treat it with anticoagulants in the following days and months. So seeing as he is communicating with you all and being moved onto a ward with others ,fingers crossed that means that process is successfully taking place.

I'm not keen on hospitals. You don't have to look around at everything though. Getting to your dads bed will be all just boring plain corridors. Keep looking forward or down and following the route. Only see your dad. Put some headphones on to keep you distracted as you make your way to his bed.
You'll be there very quickly and easily and I'm sure he'll be very happy to see you :)

10-03-15, 22:35
Thank you for your responses. I've decided to ring in the morning and check on how he's doing. I'm kinda surprised that they don't keep family members updated-at least when they come in to visit. It's possible they're explaining things to my dad, but he's not taking them in properly...I will have to overcome myself and go into hospital though-I just wish I didn't have this horrible panicky feeling when going in. Went in to visit my nan some years ago and it was really difficult for me (felt faint, spaced out), but I have to get over this. Anyways, cheers for your replies.