View Full Version : IBS or something else?

11-03-15, 01:17
Okay so I over the last two-three weeks I feel as though I have IBS. Even though I haven't been officially diagnosised with it, I appear to have the symptoms. Let me start off by saying I've had anxiety since a very young age and I also was diagnosed with GERD a few years ago. During the month of January I actually was feeling good and I kind of consider it to of been a "pig out" month for me. I was drinking soda, eating a lot of Italian food, wings, buffalo chicken pizza etc and no symptoms of my gerd acting up. I was actually really happy too because I had got engaged on Christmas. Well fast forward to a few weeks later into the beginning of Feb.

I had accidentally stabbed myself with a screwdriver tightening something. I had some tingling in my hand a few days later. Despite getting a tetanus shot 6 months earlier I got an extreme worry of having tetanus. I might of even become obsessed researching it like crazy and worrying myself. Obviously that wasn't the case as it's about 6 weeks later and the tingling went away long ago. However one night when looking it up I had noticed my veins more prominent and visable. I am fair skinned and addressed this in that thread I made. Well I got super worried and once again become obsessed for weeks googling about it worrying and worrying what it could be. Well I think I had made my anxiety so bad I irritated my GERD because I would go through constipation along with shooting pains in my stomach and chest. Well about 3 two and a half weeks ago to Applebee's. I ordered the three cheese chicken penne and mozerella sticks. My stomach is sensitive to milk but in the past the most I would get is a tummy ache and the runs that might last a day or two.

This time was different. The next day I felt awful and for a few days I barely wanted to eat. I eoukd eat but I had to do much smaller meals and sometimes had to force myself to eat because I was going to the gym and lifting and couldn't not eat. I also didn't want to lose any mass. Well I had bouts of diarrhea snd constipation that didn't ease itself until last Wednesday where I started taking fiber vitamins and started adding more fiber to my everyday diet. This helped my bowel movements as they were easy to pass and had more bulk to them, I eoukd however go sometimes 3 times in the morning. I would never go after dinner though. The first time I would usually have to get out of bed with the urgency to go. The second time sometimes would either have less bulk to it or be diarrhea and the third time if I went a third would usually be back to normal with less bulk or diarhea depending on what the second one was. If the second BM was diarhea the third usually wasn't and vice versa.

Anyways, this is getting long but I wanted to make sure I added all the details. This week it's improved to what I mentioned however over the weekend I was feeling good and decided to grab some Applebee's again with my friend as I felt anxious from dealing with all of this and needed to get out. I got the wonton chicken tacos this time for lunch and later that night I ate a gyro. Yesterday I was on the run so I grabbed Chinese food. I felt fine, but then I heated up the left overs while watching TV and that's when I started getting a sharp quick pain in my chest on the left side. I made some peppermint tea, laid on my stomach for 20 mins and took two tums. It went away. Today all was good but then I had dinner. I had grilled chicken fingers and brown rice. However after eating I developed this pain again. As I'm typing it's easing up some but still will be sharp every now and then. Lately I notive if I do get the sharp chest pain I haven't been getting the stomach psin but will have gas. Usually burping but sometimes I will let gas out the other way too.Anyways I'm sorry this was so long but has anyone else developed similar symptoms with irritable bowel syndrome? Is my anxiety causing all of this? I have been very anxious for about 6 weeks now and am having trouble snapping out of it.

11-03-15, 15:08

11-03-15, 16:03
Hi justjoe 25, it sound like you anxiety has messed up your digestive system, which is extremely common with anxiety, It can cause so many symptoms, I think there is a list of them on this site, maybe lay off the rich foods for a couple of days, see if that helps, it sounds as though your GERD is acting up, try not to worry, it will only make it worse, there are many posts on here with digestive issue, you should have a look xx