View Full Version : Fears over pancrearic cancer

11-03-15, 05:10
About 5 weeks ago I developed indigestion/trapped wind symptoms that wouldn't go away completely after taking over the counter remedies. Did a search on google and scared myself half to death reading about pancreatic cancer.
I then started to feel terribly nauseas and took myself off to the doctors. I was prescribed Omeprazole for stomach issues and an anti sickness medicine. The latter worked, but I was still feeling awful with anxiety. I've seen 4 different doctors, none of whom seem to want to even entertain the idea of pancreatic cancer. I've had a blood test and that came back clear. The problem is I now keep experiencing 'jabbing' (for want of a better description! Sort of stabbing, but not severe) pains all over my abdomen, and mostly in my left side. Particularly under and round back of left rib. I've mentioned it to my doctor and have been prescribed a weeks worth of antibiotics as she thinks it's a urine/kidney infection. I am still worried sick though that it is pancreatic cancer. I'm 34, don't smoke & hardly drink so i think that's the reason the doctors won't consider the possibility of pancreatic cancer. Anyone else had these symptoms? I've posted about my development of Heath anxiety on the other forum, but I wanted to post about my symptoms in case anyone else is in the same boat.
Forgot to mention I stopped taking the omezaprole after about 2 and a half weeks as I was worried about side effects. Original symptoms of indigestion/trapped wind seem less than before. But the nagging pains are persistent!

11-03-15, 22:31
I know I replied on your other post but I thought I should mention that although I can't get pancreatic cancer out of my head either... It is very very rare in people your age or mine. Less than half of a percent of people who have it are in our age group... and that's people who already have a rather rare cancer to begin with.

Only 1 in 74 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This may sound high but it isn't.

So consider. 1 in 74 people is around 1.4% of all people... now of that 1.4% of people, less that 1/2 of a % are between 20 and 35. That gives us an exceedingly small number... not to mention that it is a bit less common in females. Plus you have had blood work which often signifies that something is wrong. These two factors decrease your odds in particular.

Now, this puts our odds 1 in 100000 (I know, seeing the number it doesn't seem that rare).

Now concider the fact that 6-9% of pancreatic cancer is caused by genetic diseases which I assume you don't have. Also concider the number of young people who have things like chronic pancreaitis, diabetes, and other cancers which could lead them to be that 1 in 100000.

Concider now, that your chances are even lower than one in 100000.

Well if you don't mind opening links.
These are images of a rally by Obama which around 100000 people were in attendance.

Imagine that those 100000 people are all between 20-35. Now ask yourself... Are you really that unlucky?

I know that this won't cure you of thoughts of pancreatic cancer because it hasn't cured me... but when you start to really worry, try to remember this :).

I hope we both beat this HA soon. If you need any support that can be offered through text, just message me. We have similar symptoms and are in this together.

Welcome to nomorepanic.

12-03-15, 03:23
Just want too say that the part about the abdomen pains esp on the left side happens to me to, but mine are related to ibs. If your constipated that could casue pains all over. Just a thought to nibble on.

12-03-15, 16:21
I'd also like to say that I suffer from the stomach pains, mine's IBS as well but that is made worse by my anxiety.

You've had bloods done and that would have picked something up. Trust your doctor, if they thought there was a chance it was something serious then they would have ordered more tests.

12-03-15, 18:37
Thank you everyone. It means a lot to have this support. RedXIII thank you for your odds post. It definitely helps alleviate some worry.
I've been to my doctors again today as my physical symptoms have been so strong (no longer just pain on left side, but also on right side, lower back, upper back, ribs, stomach! It feels like I've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson) and he is sending me for an ultrasound scan. He seemed pretty sure it will come back clear but in the meantime I have an anxious wait (although I am determined not to google pancreatic or stomach cancer for fear of sending my anxiety into orbit)