View Full Version : flashing eyes when blinking

11-03-15, 15:19
Got HA been steadily going out the house building up so now I can go out for 15 minutes
25 minute did today which was most I've done. Got back in kitchen while making a drink and thought it was lightening outside. Then I realised it was when I was blinking it was flashing in front of eyes. Lasted about 10 minutes . Now have stress ache side of head each side.

Shouldn't google but did and it says detached retina. Need immediate treatment

First time ever happened. Can't into opticians who I assume would know till Sunday

11-03-15, 15:35
sounds like a migraine to me.
Detatched retina is Painful! Very Painful!

11-03-15, 15:57
I never get migraines though
I've got back and now it's hurting behind my eyes when I'm trying to sleep. Could it be blood pressure it used to be high then stopped taking meds when back to normal

---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

Now I'm worried

A detached retina doesn't hurt, so look for these symptoms:

Flashes of light
Seeing "floaters" (small flecks or threads)
Darkening of your peripheral (side) vision

11-03-15, 20:52
That's what I thought but you don't have to have pain to have a migraine..the effects can be purely visual.
I get them alot when I'm anxious...all sorts of artifacts in my eyes from floaters to flashing lights everywhere.

11-03-15, 21:39
Don't know whether it's wort trip to eye hospital or wait see if happens again after walking

11-03-15, 22:32
How tall are you?

11-03-15, 23:03
5 foot 9 why do you ask?

12-03-15, 06:43
Retinal detachment is more common (not common) with people who are exceptionally tall.
Sometimes they can have marfans syndrome which causes an abnormal chemistry in their genetic make up and their joining tissues aren't as stretchy.
At 5'9 it's extremely unlikely you have that.

Retinal detachment as said is very very painful and should be treated with urgency.
It doesn't get better so if you had a phase of flashing artifacts in your eyes it's possibly a strained nerve in the eye or eyes that caused a visual migraine.

I hope this helps put your mind at rest a little.

12-03-15, 16:14
I get that all the time now, I never used to get migraines but now I get them all the time. I get them without the head pain, just visual auras and disturbances and I also get the really bad ones with head pains (lucky me!).

17-03-15, 12:16
It turned out to be vision auroia in the end