View Full Version : Twitching (Again...) -> Blood Test

11-03-15, 16:26
Hello all

My twitching has been a right nuisance the last couple of weeks so I bit the bullet today and went to my GP. I went over how I've been having counselling for the last few months, how I've had these twitches (on and off in severity and all over) since July last year and that I can't stop catastrophising that it's something neurological related and serious.

The GP did a quick neuro exam on me and she said she couldn't find anything wrong and that it all seemed fine. She said I should just keep an eye on them. She said I should book a blood test to check potassium and the like, which I did, but it isn't until a week on Tuesday.

I'm therefore beginning to presume that all this worrying over the last several months has been ridiculous and that I don't have anything physically and majorly wrong with me - that it's all upstairs. Guess I'm just after reassurance. If the GP spotted anything major then I would have been referred right away. I certainly wouldn't be waiting that long for a blood test if it were serious I would have thought.

It's all peaks and troughs; sometimes my rational side is ticking along nicely but they'll be the odd occasion, like recently, where bad habits come storming back.

11-03-15, 20:38
You probably already know this but when i had severe heath anxiety I used to twitch all over too. My therapist told me that when you convince yourself you have a problem, your mind thinks ok there is something wrong... Lets scan the body to find the problem. And thats where the twitching comes from. Your mind scans your body and thats why you feel the twitches as muscles and things are reacting to messages from your brain.

When i started to think of it that way ot did help a lot. It didnt go straight away but this website helped also.

12-03-15, 12:24
Yesterday, because I worked myself up into such a panic, I just went to bed at about 5/6pm, had some tea in between and watched a bit of TV, but then just slept. Emailed work to say I was going to work from home today (they're very understanding about my anxiety) and have just treated today as calmly as possible.

I must say, I do feel like my twitches have died down again. I think going to my GP, her doing that neuro exam and then her saying there was nothing majorly wrong, has helped calm me down. I think I just needed that validation. Still a bit worried about what would come from a blood test but if she felt it were urgent then it would have been treated as so. Coupled with the fact that these twitches have been on and off since last July and I haven't developed any other nasty symptoms, I should feel comforted by that and continue to battle the mental issues I have.