View Full Version : if your really anxious please dont read!!!!!

11-03-15, 18:05
Ok so I was reading a magazine earlier, and was reading an artical, didn't imply in the headline that what has bothered me was in the story, so yet again don't read as this may set some people off...

It was about sudden adult death syndrome, and how a lady aged 35 just dropped dead and they fount out she died of sad and now its made my anxiety soooo bad, I'm so sure that my heart is beating funny and I just feel weird

If it said in the headline about what the story was about I would have thrown the magazine in the bin instead of reading it.....

I'm so scared that this is going to happen to me, she was only 11 years older than me too... I hope this isn't going to be my next big thing as it will drive me insane!!!! The thought of just dropping dead terrifies me

Anyone know anything that can make me feel better about this??

11-03-15, 18:41
I've lost a friend to this and it's heartbreaking. Surprisingly it didn't fuel my HA. It happened a month before my daughter was born so made me terrified of cot death. But I'm ok with it now. It's scary but something that doesn't make you suffer so I don't get scared of it? Make sense? X

12-03-15, 02:20
"We latch onto the worst case and dread that. Same thing with sudden death. This is actually a pretty rare event among otherwise healthy individuals. Once we've done some pretty simple and straightforward tests (such as a resting EKG) we can pretty much rule out any chance that a person has one of the extremely rare conditions that can cause such an outrageous event. If your Q-T interval on EKG is normal then you're almost certainly not ever going to just spontaneously fall over dead. It's really as simple as that. The fact that many young athletes suffer from overdeveloped left ventricles or have electrical abnormalities in their hearts is overemphasized simply because it is so very unusual. That's why when it does happen we hear about it. If it were truly common it wouldn't be news. But it is not common, and again, it is very easily ruled out, usually by a simple EKG and sometimes also an echocardiogram. Every young athlete should be screened for these disorders, since if one in a million turns up with a potential problem (even though there is almost always a family history to suggest it anyway), then there's a life that can be saved. Otherwise it usually shows up in a routine physical. Anxious people actually have an advantage in this area, as they have eventually had pretty exhaustive cardiovascular workups which show there is nothing of the sort present. These are not conditions one can just suddenly acquire. They are almost always inherited. If you don't have one of them, you're not going to develop one later. If that were truly possible, no one could function without undue anxiety and dread. That many of us don't realize this leaves many crippled by their anxiety and anticipation of catastrophes that are almost impossible. It is easy to tell you this; it is not as easy for you to embrace it as truth and break the habit of reacting to your own thoughts and fears, which many times originate due to some other, more obscure psychological basis."