View Full Version : worried that this isnt just in my head

11-03-15, 19:19
worried my mum keeps forgetting things she shouldnt forget.

sometimes she asks me hours later after i say something which at the time im pretty sure she heard and took in

like today she sad 'did you tell someone something (that i was told to tell her) and i said NO at the time...

now ,hours later she says to me did you tell that person that thing... and i had to say no again :shrug::shrug: I asked her did she not remember asking me that hours ago??? Is that a bad sign that something could be wrong with her??? this has happened a few times ... not that much but a few i guess...

she then said that she did remember asking me, but didnt remember my answer thats not normal is it??? then she said she must have not heard me reply??? i admit her hearing does seem to have got worse and i think it has... and it should get tested, but this cant be hearing issue when she hears everything i say and responds at the time the worry is she forgot hours later...

this isnt normal i realise and im worried its dementia/altzeimers. so scared :weep: and i know we need to go to doctors about my concerns about her so they can test her? but to be honest im just so scared it could be one of them/something bad, and dunno what to think. I probably should keep an eye on it and see if it stops happening? its just hard to tell what might be normal memory loss or ... forgetfullness.

any advice??

11-03-15, 19:35
My grandmother who is turning 73 in a few weeks is starting to do this too. Like you, I am worried so I asked my mom and papa (grandmas hubby) what they thought. They agreed that it was time for her to see a Dr. She didn't want to go but they made her. It turns out that she does have the start of some frontal lobe issues but that apparently that's very normal around her age. Some of its likely due to some meds she's on so they are making some changes. We didn't know she was on meds (and abusing her anxiety pills-guess anxiety runs in the family Afterall). What I'm trying to get at is that there are a ton of reasons for sporadic memory issues. Many are normal as we age and some can be reversed. Try not to worry unless she's worried or is forgetting important things like my grandmother was starting to. I wish you guys the best.

11-03-15, 19:52
I'm 28 and i do this all the time lol sometimes I remember asking the person the question but for the life of me can't remember their answer or I just forget even asking them lol I think it's totally normal xx

15-03-15, 14:37
I just get so worried about this , because im worrying about this i now feel I have to monitor everything she does or says and some has seemed a bit odd recently I'm just hoping it's nothing.

Doesn't help that i actually came out with it saying I'm worried she might have something bad because she 'keeps forgetting things' I suppose she doesn't keep forgetting them it's just happened weirdly a few times her not remembering a small detail I've told her but I can't figure out if this is her just being anxious cos if she's anxious she asks me the same question several times I find, but I have to ask and quiz her if she remembers asking me initially though if she does that, and she'll say she does, but I'm worried she's lying and she'd forgotten.... theres not really any way of knowing apart from to believe what she says.

The other day she forgot if she'd given me the house keys or kept them herself, she had kept them and not remembered putting them in her pocket -I'm worried this is how it starts. I want to so much believe this is just normal forgetfulness, but I'm becoming scared it's not ,so scaerd:( Don't know if I'm worried enough to book a dr's appt because the doctor she has is so useless he couldn't even diagnose a broken toenail. I simply don't trust or like him so it'd have be one of the others if it's something I'm extremely anxious and worried about like this.

I think she's forgotten whether she has the keys or I do before, and it almost seems like something I could see myself forgetting too so in that sense, I really wish to believe it is normal. But I'm worried it not :(

15-03-15, 16:27
This is perfectly normal especially as we age. It's a slightly different matter if it stops her from functioning, but it's simply a matter of adjusting and finding ways to deal with it.

About alzheimer, I'm not a pro but had a case in my family, and it's not things like "asking a question 2-3 times" or just being forgetful; personality changes (becoming aggressive, passive....), forgetting things you just cannot forget (like not recognizing your family members at all, or remembering them at some other age, e.g. remembered daughter age 5, daughter was 55) and really complete nonsense stuff.

I have a perfect example of something that actually happened to give you an idea of about the nonsense thing: the woman in question is having people for dinner, but the dinner isn't in the oven. She knows she made it, so obviously she starts looking around.... in the bath tub, the toilet reservoir, under the couch (already everyone is like why the hell would you even look for dinner in those places?).... turns out she didn't make dinner, she made a cake. And the cake was on her bed. Because.