View Full Version : LEUKEMIA???? Please reply, I'm SO scared.. :(

11-03-15, 22:01

Yes, I know I must've posted about 10 different threads on leukemia.

I'm just so scared at the moment. I'm scared I'm dying of an aggressive form of leukemia! My symptoms are bruising on chest (not visible), slightly tender ribs, itchy skin, tiredness (sometimes in the day, not extreme, just enough to make me yawn. Came on today when I was thinking about it, so I think anxiety has a playing role in it), petechiae (tiny scattered red pin prick dots under the skin). I know that chronic leukemia is rare in teens, but there have been cases and I know that most cases are acute leukemias. I know it's not really acute because I've had my symptoms for 4 and a 1/2 months give or take, but it could be chronic because that develops over years apparently.

Is there anyone out there who has actually had any kind of experience with leukemia, or who knows a fair bit about it who can tell me what my symptoms would be like 4 months in? I need any kind of reassurance because I'm really scared. I can't see a doctor about it because my mum doesn't take me anymore about things that she thinks I'm being silly about. But I'm being serious about this. They also know about my hypochondria, so please don't say that I need it sorted out, as I already know.]

Would there be a fever or raised lymph nodes with leukemia? Or an enlarged spleen, because I was checked for an enlarged spleen 5 weeks ago?

By the way, I have read other replies on my other leukemia threads and I really have taken them into account. Thanks guys :)

Toby :wacko:

---------- Post added at 21:26 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

Anyone? At all?

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:26 ----------

Can anyone possibly answer?

one day at a time
11-03-15, 22:10
Stop googling leukaemia and start googling health anxiety support and re read your responses on your other posts on this topic is the only advice I have . You are making yourself worse

11-03-15, 22:35
Toby, you need professional help, and Im sorry buddy but its not the type of help we can give you. Your mother needs to take you to the doctor and tell them you have a severe health anxiety. If she will not take you, speak to the school nurse and ask him or her to speak to your parents for you.

If you do not get help at this stage you are going to be a train wreck in your late teens.

11-03-15, 23:28
It doesn't sound like you have bruising on your chest. It sounds like you have tender muscles in your chest. There are muscles across the ribs and sternum that can become tender and even inflamed when the body is under stress. Furthermore, when you are stressed you tense up your body without realising which causes some muscles, particularly those in the chest, to become sore.

As for the rash, I've replied to a previous thread about that and other possible causes. I have had one myself for over a year now that the doctor has looked at, along with blood tests and dermatologist referral, that there is no explanation for (and the doctor and dermatologist agree that it is nothing dangerous).

Interestingly enough, itchy skin can be due to many things - allergies, dermatitis, eczema, stress - it isn't solely associated with leukemia.

And as for tiredness, anything from lack of sleep (which you have mentioned) to anxiety (which you are experiencing) can cause this.

At this stage, I think the best thing for you to do would be to visit the doctor with a list of your symptoms and ask for their professional opinion. They will be able to tell you if they are worried, and they will do tests if they are. I know you've said that your parents won't take you, but this is obviously stressing you out A LOT and really impacting on your life. Go and see the school nurse yourself - don't wait for the doctor to contact her - and see what can be done about this for you.

As for symptoms of leukemia, I'm not an expert - in fact, I know very little about it aside from the 'main' symptoms. You saw a doctor 5 weeks ago from what I can gather, and they obviously weren't concerned that leukemia could be a problem. Remember, no one on this site is trained in medicine, and no one here is a doctor. People can make suggestions and share their ideas, but they are not professionals and they cannot give you real medical advice.

12-03-15, 03:51
My 2 year old has leukemia. The symptoms were not vague they were undeniable. If you are worried get a complete blood count done.

12-03-15, 10:22

I know you have said your parents won't take you anymore because your GP has said its not this but have you considered explaining your level of anxiety to your parents and showing them something about HA?

For instance http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hypochondria/Pages/Introduction.aspx

There will also be HA user stories on the Time To Change website.

This may prompt them to take you back down to your GP who can reassess your case and quite frankly, whilst a school nurse might be a useful access when you are there, they are not trained to handle anxiety disorders anymore than occupational health teams are within companies (mine was a 1 day certificate affair).

Its perfectly ok for you to visit your GP on your own if they won't take you. Your GP has to determine whether he/she believes you are mature enough to consent to any treatment so I think in a case like this, you won't be considered mature enough but your GP will then be able to handle your parents.

Your GP has the ability to refer you to CAMHS who can help you http://www.youngminds.org.uk/for_parents/services_children_young_people/camhs

If you don't know how to talk to your parents about this or they are unwilling to accept what you are saying (many adults don't know anything about anxiety disorders, I never did and many of us say that you need to experience it to truly understand it) then why not contact someone like Childline who can give you advice on how to do this http://www.childline.org.uk/talk/Pages/Talk.aspx

Its true that no one on here can give you medical advice and that covers whether this could be leukemia or even HA, people can only comment from experience of anxiety disorders, so only doctors can prove or disprove but you get a diagnosis and if its an anxiety disorder then places like this forum will be a great help to you for what the NHS cannot provide.

---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

My 2 year old has leukemia. The symptoms were not vague they were undeniable. If you are worried get a complete blood count done.

I hope your son is doing well RoseEve :flowers:

12-03-15, 21:08
Thank you for your replies everyone :)

I'm being stupid about this, I know I am. I'm going to try and not worry about leukemia anymore. :)

---------- Post added at 21:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

It doesn't sound like you have bruising on your chest. It sounds like you have tender muscles in your chest. There are muscles across the ribs and sternum that can become tender and even inflamed when the body is under stress. Furthermore, when you are stressed you tense up your body without realising which causes some muscles, particularly those in the chest, to become sore.

As for the rash, I've replied to a previous thread about that and other possible causes. I have had one myself for over a year now that the doctor has looked at, along with blood tests and dermatologist referral, that there is no explanation for (and the doctor and dermatologist agree that it is nothing dangerous).

Interestingly enough, itchy skin can be due to many things - allergies, dermatitis, eczema, stress - it isn't solely associated with leukemia.

And as for tiredness, anything from lack of sleep (which you have mentioned) to anxiety (which you are experiencing) can cause this.

At this stage, I think the best thing for you to do would be to visit the doctor with a list of your symptoms and ask for their professional opinion. They will be able to tell you if they are worried, and they will do tests if they are. I know you've said that your parents won't take you, but this is obviously stressing you out A LOT and really impacting on your life. Go and see the school nurse yourself - don't wait for the doctor to contact her - and see what can be done about this for you.

As for symptoms of leukemia, I'm not an expert - in fact, I know very little about it aside from the 'main' symptoms. You saw a doctor 5 weeks ago from what I can gather, and they obviously weren't concerned that leukemia could be a problem. Remember, no one on this site is trained in medicine, and no one here is a doctor. People can make suggestions and share their ideas, but they are not professionals and they cannot give you real medical advice.

Wherever the tenderness, there are pink patches?? Bruise?

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 21:05 ----------

My 2 year old has leukemia. The symptoms were not vague they were undeniable. If you are worried get a complete blood count done.

Really sorry to hear that.. hope he gets better soon :)

13-03-15, 23:25
Are you sure the pink patches are bruises? They may be pink if you keep touching the area and checking for bruising. If you are certain they are bruises then it might be worthwhile going to see the doctor to check out what they could be from, but from your previous posts you said there was "no visible bruising", which is what makes me think it is more likely to be muscle inflammation or tenderness rather than bruising.

14-03-15, 01:15
By the way, I have read other replies on my other leukemia threads and I really have taken them into account.

Apparently not :weep:

I truly hope you find a way to address your anxiety. Your parents, or at least someone you can trust and confide in, should help you address your fears. At 14 years old, you shouldn't be looking for help on an internet forum.

Please print out your posts and take them to an adult you have trust in. They will help you find someone to address your fears in an appropriate fashion.

Good luck and positive thoughts

14-03-15, 06:20
I agree with FMP. If you can't talk to your parents or if your parents are not understanding of mental health issues or not good parents, then do you have an aunt or uncle or older sibling who could step in and help you to confront this? You could see your GP. If you have a really good teacher then there could be an option there although if you can speak to a GP I would advise this instead as teachers are not ideal in my opinion. If not, then I really recommend you contact a service such as Childline because they will help you come up with ways to talk to your parents and give you advise on handling your GP (I know that is likely to be a daunting prospect at your age).

Many adults find it very difficult to talk to their partners, wives, families, etc. Mental health issues can be difficult to explain and for others to understand and whether we like it or not, there is ignorance & stigma and some don't respond well. This is where having some outside support can help you.

The first step though is accept that there is an issue here that you need medical support to resolve. The options are there for you such as CAMHS so you have an opportunity to start addressing things now before you hit the same service as the adults where things can be a bit more patchy.

14-03-15, 11:19
Yes I totally agree with FMP and all the other replys.
Do they not do medical examinations in school now a days????