View Full Version : Pregnancy

12-03-15, 09:20
I don't believe I'm posting this but I've just has a positive test.

I am totally freaking out.

I can't handle this. My anxiety has spiralled out of control!

I'm worried I can't handle pregnancy, it made me very poorly.
My meds there the only thing keeping me level headed.
Hospital appointment, being in hospital ( major phobia )
If I terminated, the guilt would eat me away. ( make me depressed )

The list is endless I'm totally freaking out !!!

12-03-15, 09:41
Give yourself a day or so to calm down before you make any major decisions.

Then you will be in a much better state to decide what to do.

12-03-15, 11:28
Hanshan is right.

This would make a lot of people worry let alone with the issues you are going through so it is bound to set of a load of distorted thinking.

It would be worth discussing this with women on here who have had the same worries so that they can give you an idea of what to expect if you haven't been through this whilst suffering from anxiety disorders and having to deal with medication changes.

14-03-15, 16:47
Thanks guys.

I'm currently in hospital with a suspected ectopic pregnancy.
Hoping the choice hasn't been took out of my hands. X

15-03-15, 04:21
Best of luck, and just take things one at a time.

15-03-15, 06:47
I hope everything goes OK for you AV. :flowers::bighug1::hugs:

20-03-15, 08:56
Hi Avasmummy,

How are things going?

20-03-15, 21:26
Baby is ok.

I'm not sure what to do or think got an appointment with my doc on weds to discuss everything. Mainly how I'd cope with my anxiety and if I can keep on my meds more importantly.

Problem is the hormones are increasing my anxiety and I keep having panic attacks on how I'll cope being pregnant and being in hospital as I have a massive phobia of hospitals. On top of that I need to be referred to a consultant as I was very ill in my pregnancy with my daughter with pre eclampsia where I was having fits and almost had a stroke so that's just more added worries.

Tough tough tough times ahead. I know in my heart I could never abort. But I'm not sure my head can hack it. X

21-03-15, 09:37
Hi avasmummy,

Glad you are back and the baby is ok. Is there anyway you can "enjoy" the pregnancy and the thought of a new baby. I know you must have gone through a terrible time last pregnancy, but this time you will be monitored closely. This time it could all be completely different. Please try to be positive:hugs:


21-03-15, 10:46
Hi AV,

Im glad the baby is OK. Whatever you need to do, you will always have the support of people on here.

There is only certain medications that are advised against whilst pregnant according to NICE and the meds service the doctors refer to who reviewed the studies as the doctor can assess whether being off them whilst pregnant is more detrimental. So, see what your options are.

21-03-15, 17:38
Sarah I get so excited and then I'll have a massive panic attack worrying how I'll cope.

I'm not worried about having another baby there's nothing I love more in life than being a mum. It's being pregnant. I don't know if its hormones or what my anxiety has just been horrendous and I'd been making such progress. I'm happy with being closely monitored and positive that every pregnancy is different. I just don't know I'm petrified of my anxiety as its just getting so bad and the hospital have said it probably the increase in hormones.

My doctors gonna talk to me about my meds on Wednesday and has said there is special therapy for anxiety in pregnancy x

22-03-15, 07:53
Hi Avasmummy,

Just take it calmly and I am sure you will cope.

I'm certainly no expert on pregnancy, but my understanding is that the first three months are the worst, but it gets better after that. More knowledgeable people, please comment!

22-03-15, 11:15
I can't say I have a great knowledge of pregnancy having only one child 25 years ago but I think I have quite a good knowledge of anxiety and I know it feeds itself if you let it get out of control. I am a "catastrophiser" and I have to mentally say "stop" when my mind begins to let things run away to the worst possible ending of even minor situations which is when "mindfulness" kicks in. It a great tool to have in your "box". It may help you Avasmummy to check your thoughts.

We are all here to support you in any way we can.


25-03-15, 20:51
Good luck with everything Avas