View Full Version : Stroke or migraine

12-03-15, 17:36
I have never suffered with migraines before really, but last night I had the blinding aura and then again this morning and have had a nagging headache type pressure for 24 hours now.

My health anxiety has kicked in as I am quite unhealthy in terms of weight/smoking etc. I've read today these are a form of silent migraine so that calmed me down.

I've just got up from
Resting all day to go to the shops and when I was walking out of my flat my arm and hand went really numb. I was just about to call an ambulance but it passed within a few seconds. I've calmed down a bit and it hasn't returned, and I can lift both arms, no confusion, no dropping face etc or other stroke signs. I have also just seen this can also happen with these aura migraines!

Help what do you think??? Freaking out here

---------- Post added at 17:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

Anyone had Any experience of a migraine like that?

12-03-15, 18:30
Hi there, it sounds like a migraine to me, it doesn't sound like a stroke, so please don't worry, I know migraine can be really painful and draining, I know people who have had them and it sounds like that's what you have had, try to put this to the back of your mind, otherwise you will carry on getting bad heads through anxiety xxx

12-03-15, 21:16
I had a similar migraine a couple of years ago. I have had migraines since I was 11 (I am now 23) and honestly, they've changed over the years in intensity - going up and down - symptoms, causes, etc.

My last really bad one had me in the hospital, I was lightheaded and my arm/hands and legs were numb (although to be fair I get those same symptoms when I feel sick to my stomach and I think they are panic-associated), I had the blindness, I couldn't think straight or speak correctly. It was terrifying - but all migraine.

Strokes don't typically "come and go" like that, they usually progress quickly. But it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor anyway. NOT because it could be something dangerous, but because migraines can be a major pain (no pun intended :)) and your doctor may be able to give you advice and/or prescribe/recommend medications.

12-03-15, 21:49
Last year I went numb in left side of my lip and tongue and in my left thumb.
It first happened for about 20 mins one morning. Then weeks later it happened and didn't go away.
Told the doctor who told me to go straight to hospital fearing a stroke. Bearing in mind I'm fit and in good health and don't suffer from health anxiety I found it very hard to believe I had a stroke.

I spent my birthday in hospital on my own getting various tests done and passed them all. They sent me home baffled with blood thinners.

I'd had migraines the year before for the first time ( that visual aura thing) so googled "migraines numbness" and found it described exactly what I was experiencing ie numbness in one side and in specific things like tongue, lip, fingers etc.

I discovered eating lots of chocolate (oops) had given me migraines.
I stopped and the numbness went.

So if you were already suffering from migraines and then developed numbness I'd say it's a symptom of the migraines.

Look into the things that can cause migraines and see if you are doing any of them. Stress, chocolate, cheese, I think some medications can leave you more prone to migraines.

12-03-15, 23:12
I have horrible migraines whenever I'm too stressed out. It starts out with my hand getting numb, then my whole arm. My tongue gets heavy and I think of what I want to say and it all comes out sounding like gibberish. Then, tunnel vision, sparks, blinding headache, confusion. The day after I feel as if I drank a bottle of tequila. It sounds awful, doesn't it? I went to the doctor and had multiple tests done, migraine. That was the answer. Whenever I feel it coming I just try to relax and take deep breaths.