View Full Version : Lung cancer

12-03-15, 17:15
I have had right shoulder discomfort and like a burning in my chest for 3 months. I had 3 chest xrays and bloods all clear.
Still worried never smoked but been around second hand smoke for years. I have had hpylori and had a bad cold December and never picked myself up from their.
Appettie has gone weight loss. Really feeling upset that there's something wrong :-(

anx mum
12-03-15, 19:51
Like yourself ive had pain in my shoulder and chest pain for about 2 weeks now before than I had a really bad cold. Like yourself im worried something is wrong

30-03-15, 08:45
did you guys ever figure it out? I get left shoulder pain to mid arm and chest pain at times. Weight loss fatigue and breathless on and off threw the day with occasional cough. 26 years old did alot of past drug smoking and been around chemicals. Resp says its astma but I dont believe him. I want a low dose ct to see if its cancer. Any opinions? Or can asthma actually cause this shoulder pain. Have 10 years worth of smoking 5 years of breathing hazardous chemicals, 26 years second hand smoke

Gary A
30-03-15, 09:45
You're a bit young to be thinking lung cancer. The pain in your shoulder may be muscular, and yes, asthma could cause that with a lot of coughing and wheezing.

30-03-15, 10:05
I do not cough by much just 5 -10 single coughs a day no phlegm at times. I appreciate this reply because I was going to push myself to get a ct even though he doesnt want me to.
I grew up with 2 smokers for a large amount of my life hence the 26 years second hand.
Also was silly and smoked things I shouldnt have when I abused drugs from 16-20 (kinda smoked pharmaceuticals and huffed gas. I blame myself for taking drugs that lead to further silly drugs)
Also worked in demo for 5 years without proper protection was unaware of risks.
Also had found out I had lived in a household with radon levels high for 9 years.
I guess what I am saying is the symptoms above kind of all just appeared in january and am not sure what to do. Ive had my share of cts for other issues (2 abdominal repeat scans,3 head scans and 1 abdominal and 1 chest xray in the past 2 years) Just more less concerned of the cancer risk/death and then the risk of death if I go do the ct (radiation accumulation)

**been drug free many years and smoke free now for a few years stopped at 24 i think and started at 16, i went threw a rough life and I am out of it and have a 8 yr old kiddo that will never know what daddy went threw but just wanna make sure I can have the years with her and not die from my mistakes or paranoia been so damn tired and weak since all this

30-03-15, 16:46
I think you best bet would be to see your GP and request him/her to look into it properly.

How long ago was it since you had your x-ray?

30-03-15, 21:35
january near the end, just think its weird i get the neck and shoulder arm pain on the same side, kinda hurts. Just hate that cts have such risks and that I had 2 this year. If i hadnt then getting this low dose would mean nothin almost. Dont want to get this scan and it be just as useless as the last 2 I had this year. They were beneficial in clearing my mind but can really harm me in the long run

15-04-15, 08:06
I think you best bet would be to see your GP and request him/her to look into it properly.

How long ago was it since you had your x-ray?

yes you saying right

15-04-15, 12:59
january near the end, just think its weird i get the neck and shoulder arm pain on the same side, kinda hurts. Just hate that cts have such risks and that I had 2 this year. If i hadnt then getting this low dose would mean nothin almost. Dont want to get this scan and it be just as useless as the last 2 I had this year. They were beneficial in clearing my mind but can really harm me in the long run

Sorry for not getting back to you. I doubt there's anything wrong, it's probably just anxiety. Just see your doctor for peace of mind if you're still worried.