View Full Version : What things have you bought due to your Health Anxiety?

12-03-15, 17:17
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a good day?

The other day I was wondering how much my health anxiety had cost me in money terms over the years. I realised that I had bought lots of stuff due to HA, including:

Books inc Claire Weekes, HA books
Blood pressure cuff monitor
Glucose monitor
Countless prescriptions
Kalms tablets
Sleeping pills
Magnesium supplements
Massage chair

Just wondering what you have spent money on due primarily to HA?

14-03-15, 21:57
Luckily apart from prescriptions that did nothing I'm a too-poor-student to afford anything else!
That massage chair though, that's not sue to health anxiety, that's due to them being freaking awesome and the most relaxing things in the world. i would so buy one regardless of panic about my pains haha! You're very lucky! ;)

20-03-15, 08:20
Not HA but GAD & OCD:

High strength Omega 3.
Vitamin C.
Transdermal Magnesium.
2 books on Mindfulness with different themes on exercises. 1 being MBCT, the other QiGong.
1 Tai Chi mini book that was going cheap.

Plus one expensive book based product by a recovered sufferer that I later found contained nothing more than can be found for free on the internet or in many other books. I bought it in desperation, as do many others, and having CBT later & joining hear opened my eyes to the fact it was a poor quality product hence it getting slammed a lot online. Basically, ripped off hence my strong views on such products.

20-03-15, 16:00
I don't think I've purchased anything due to my anxiety. I was prescribed Propranolol at one point, but I get free prescriptions so I never forked out.
I had to quit college when I started having panic attacks and we are now financially struggling, so maybe I would have spent more had I actually had money to spend.
Mind you, I would never ever buy a BP Monitor or HR Monitor while I and health anxiety as it would take over my life!

20-03-15, 21:48
I bought a pack of urinalysis strips to test for glucose and blood.

21-03-15, 11:52
Mmm interesting question. I too have invested in various vitamins and supplements.

I also paid privately for CBT, approximately £3000 all in all I would say. I also when I was having major aches and pains spent quite a bit on sports massage to help manage the pain - probably about £1000.

Are there other things I could have done with that money - for sure. Am I glad I spent that money on what I did, definitely. Otherwise I would have probably caught up with monitors and such like by now.

21-03-15, 14:22
Like MyNameIsTerry not for Health Anxiety but I've bought stuff which I thought would help with general anxiety such as all sorts of vitamins and minerals, St Johns wort, Kalms, homeopathic stuff etc.

When you are desperate you will try anything that you think might help.

21-03-15, 14:57
I have a blood pressure monitor. Cannot remember the last time I used it.
Vitamins B complex. Cod liver oil tablets. Thinking of getting some vitamin D.
Valarian. in the past. Gave me bad heads.
Kalms. No good at all.
Hair and nail growth tablets.
Hair growth shampoo. Supposed to thicken hair. But did not work
Epsom salts for bath.
Book. "Feel the fear and do it anyway"
Private herbalist. Did not feel any benefit.
Chiropractor for back problems. Did help sometimes, but cannot afford now.
Will stop there. OH would love a massage. have not gone into that yet!!!!

21-03-15, 14:58
I once bought a blood pressure monitor and used it whilst having a panic attack. The results had me at my doctors literally within 10 minutes where I was swiftly given some diazepam.

I stopped using it soon after :)

21-03-15, 21:58
So many vitamins. I'm so glad I talked myself out of needless private tests since I know now it'd have only perpetuated the cycle. And taken me £500+ out of pocket which I used to buy a new telecaster :yesyes:

22-03-15, 00:02
What is a telecaster?

22-03-15, 02:48
What is a telecaster?

A Fender Guitar.... The cousin to the Stratocaster.... A great distraction too! ;)

Positive thoughts

22-03-15, 02:50
A Fender Guitar.... The cousin to the Stratocaster.... A great distraction too! ;)

Positive thoughts

YEP! Wanted one for years and decided hey, I've been through hell with my dragon and beat it, I deserve this. :D at my worst I couldn't even pick up my guitars so it's a mega win.

22-03-15, 15:24
Quite a few books
Sleepytime tea
Yoga supplies
Thermometers during my fear of fevers... what a rough time!!

Honestly the most expensive has been therapy, as I pay privately now 70 dollars per visit, but she is really helpful and has probably helped more than anything else.

Also various doctors appointments for reassurance ...

22-03-15, 23:11
Lots and lots of supplements.
Magnesium oil, vitamin c, vitamin b complex, turmeric, propolis, ginkgo biloba, hawthorne berries, valerian root, kalms tablets, vitamin a, folic acid, lemon balm...etc. (can't remember all of them)

Lots of herbal teas.
Green tea, echinacea, ginger tea, peppermint, lemongrass, liver detox... etc. (again, just loads)

Superfood powders
Baobab fruit, spriluna, wheatgrass, barleygrass, green power powder, bee pollen, protein, nutri superfood powder, tail mushroom, loads.

Blender for juicing.

Manuka honey.

Started an organic, gluten-free diet so organic products.

Blackseed oil, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, sodium bicarbonate, kelp, hemp seed and hemp oil, organic apple cider vinegar, concentrate beetroot juice.

There is more, just can't remember all :)

Nighttime pacer
23-03-15, 02:25
I've spent loads of money on consultant appointments for various minor conditions. I've spent money on lots of talking therapy.
I even ordered bedroom furniture which I then gave to the charity shop as it had mdf on the back (one of my major concerns at the time).
I've bought specialist paint which is supposed to be healthier (though useless).
All in all I reckon I've spent a few thousand (which thankfully I can afford but it's such a waste).

All a bit depressing really.

Nighttime pacer