View Full Version : Dull pain in left breast - anxiety, or a heart attack?

13-03-15, 10:03
For the past...I dunno, twenty minutes or so? I've been having a dull ache come and go. It's only in my left breast, and off the side of it, towards my armpit. There's no other pain, it's just in that one area, and it keeps coming and going. I'll be fine for about two minutes or so, and then the ache will come for a few seconds before fading away again.

I dunno if something's wrong with my heart, or if it's anxiety or gas or what. I keep trying to tell myself my heart is fine because if it were a heart attack, I'd be in a lot worse pain, right?

13-03-15, 11:04
Hi there, yes, if you were having a heart attack you wouldn't be posting on here, you'd be in the hospital. As you are worrying about the pain I expect your muscles have tensed up, causing the aching pains. I get this and have had aching in my shoulder/armpit/breast for a good couple months, and that's because I worry about it so much and tense up. You're not having a heart attack, it's just anxiety doing what it does best making us worry over nothing! Try some deep breathing to relax yourself and your muscles and try to take your mind off of it, you'll be fine, take care - Lottie x :hugs:

13-03-15, 19:54
Heart pain tends to be in the centre of the chest not the left side. Heart attack pain wont come fade away after a few seconds. Heart = fine :)

13-03-15, 21:58

This happened with me once! I was so scared that I was having a heart attack because of odd chest pains and I just gave myself other symptoms such as numb arms. I went to the doctors and they said it was due to.. anxiety!

You're fine.

Toby. :hugs:

13-03-15, 22:23
if you were having a heart attack you wouldn't be posting on here, you'd be in the hospital.


Positive thoughts

13-03-15, 22:49
I didn't mean to sound blunt but it's true right, if someone was having a heart attack they wouldn't be asking and waiting for a reply, they would be in the hospital :blush:

13-03-15, 22:59
I didn't mean to sound blunt but it's true right, if someone was having a heart attack they wouldn't be asking and waiting for a reply, they would be in the hospital :blush:

You're 100% right! I've had two heart attacks. There's no mistaking it. That and chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety.

Positive thoughts

13-03-15, 23:04
Two? How awful :unsure: yeah it is, it is frightening though as I get a lot of chest pain myself but after 5 ECG's and blood test etc I'm just trying to accept its my muscles and not my heart :)

13-03-15, 23:12
I have a bit of GAD from my physical health issues. I know for a fact that anxiety can cause symptoms that mimic, to some degree, heart issues. The difference is the severity. If you get an all clear from the ER, an ECG etc., you can take that to the bank.

Positive thoughts

13-03-15, 23:16
:yesyes: goodnight all, take care xx

27-03-15, 06:38
Haha, thanks for all the responses, everyone!
You're right about the heart attacks - I just keep leaping to the worst case scenario every time I have breast/chest issues. I either assume it's heart problems or cancer.
(Which is also silly because pain isn't a breast cancer sign that I've heard.)

Today though, I've been having pain in the right breast, near the center. it's not painful to touch or anything, it's just...pain on the inside. There's no lumps, no thickness, nothing. It feels like it's closer to the nipple area than anywhere, and is most noticeable when I'm standing.
Started last night, shortly before I took my bra off - and as far as I know the bra was the right size, it's just not a sports one for once. I'm hoping it's just related tot he bra, or stress, or hell, maybe it's gas? Can't be my period, I ended this cycle a few days ago...

27-03-15, 08:31
Retailmoth I've been getting sharp pains in my breasts too (mainly left, started after a picked.one of my cats up strangely enough), it rarely occurs during my actual period, but once that ends they come back. I know how you feel, mine also really hurt when pressed the way a (gross) spot would. It could be cyclical or non cyclical breast pain, both of which I think are perfectly fine.
It might just be one of those things.