View Full Version : Scared of going crazy

13-03-15, 16:34

My main fear is 'going crazy', i used to have anxiety/panic over the usual health anxiety things, afraid of getting a heart attack. But now it turned into this fear, and it's much harder to deal with. I've been afraid of 'going mad' for more than 4 years now, and of course it never happens. Even my psychologist said i was fine and it's just anxiety, but i keep thinking what if she's wrong...

Somehow i always fear it. I start to think, what if i suddenly start hallucinating? What if i start hearing or seeing things that aren't there? What if i won't be able to think normal ever again? And i constantly check myself to make sure i don't do or think anything out of the ordinary.. it's so tiring. How do i know if i'm not going crazy??

Please if someone could help or give me some reassurance!

13-03-15, 17:46
I do too. It terrifies me.

What I do is I don't explore it, I don't educate myself on it and I dismiss it from my thoughts. It's nonsense - dismiss it. You will be ok when you have forgotten it. You will ALWAYS be ok. Awareness is your enemy.

It could be anything, plane crashes, disease, being attacked, anything. But it's only a problem to you if you are focusing on it. You will discover that when you have forgotten these things they do not bother you. So that is what you should aim to do. They are just a thought, a suggestion. If you forget all about that kind of thought, don't let it in, quickly break it up when it tries to get your attention, replace it instantly with more constructive thoughts and FORGET it, you will be ok.

I do it every day.

You may say that you can't just forget it but you can. You may find you are drawn to it. You may feel that it's a concern so you need to think about it and maybe solve it and so this should show you that it's you who is drawn to think about it. But it's a paradox, because what serves you is to forget it not think about it.

Think of it like a trap. If you are thinking about it you are in the trap. If you've forgotten about it and won't let the suggestion form in your mind when it tries then you are free of it.

My first panic attack was triggered by a thought on this subject so I know very well what it feels like. Never ever think of it again and you WILL be absolutely fine FOREVER.

13-03-15, 20:54
Yes, this is me right now... and has been since 2007 lol..
its defintely a struggle.. I feel Im hyper aware...

trying to make sure I don't do anything, say anything 'certifiable" lol