View Full Version : worried worried worried help please

13-03-15, 18:05
Hi everyone

I have had burning in my chest on the right for 3 months
And shoulder feels stiff. I have had this since Christmas after a horrible cold and never felt myself since.
I have lost appetite recently 2 weeks now struggling to eat
And have lost 3.4 kg in just under two weeks I have had the following checked

4 chest xrays one was done today
Back mri
X2 blood tests
Ultrasound scans
h pylori positive and had meds over 4 weeks now still feeling the same.

Recently developed a cough since yesterday and cough up yellow phelgm. A&e checked with chest xray and listened to chest they said just a irritation of the throat and are not concerned.

All tests keep coming back clear but appettite is low and losing weight shoulder is still stiff and concerned it's lung cancer or some sort of cancer :-( please help any advice would be helpful

13-03-15, 19:57
I'm sure lung cancer would be picked up with a chest x-ray. Really sure, especially 4 of them. A wide variety of different are all saying the same result. You're fine!

I do feel like a total hypocrite for saying this as I understand a thousand percent how you feel. I had a load of tests come back, and I still thought what if something is missed etc. But honestly, you are fine.

Have you thought the loss of appetite may be due to the massive state of anxiety you are in?x

13-03-15, 20:16
Hi Roxy

Thank you for the reply :-)

Yes anxiety is and must be causing all of this.
Just can't stomach food at all and shedding weight.
I can't even loom at food without wanting to feel sick.

I used to love food :-(

14-03-15, 08:04
[QUOTE=ant12;1404542]Hi Roxy

Thank you for the reply :-)

Yes anxiety is and must be causing all of this.
Just can't stomach food at all and shedding weight.
I can't even loom at food without wanting to feel sick.

I used to love food :-(

14-03-15, 08:21

I remember you raised a thread a couple of days ago in another board and mentioned having yellow mucus being coughed up. I've had this due chest infections and those were all after having a cold.

So, I really think you should tell your GP about this new symptom because it should make them try you on antibiotics to see if its an infection.

Anxiety is a very powerful thing and loads of people mention losing weight from not eating because of it so perhaps if you can get some treatment, you should also speak to your GP about the level of anxiety this is causing you and the fact you can't eat & are losing weight and I'm sure they will want to help you manage this.