View Full Version : Throat

13-03-15, 18:33
think I may of scratched throat on a cracker, now throat hurts a bit when I eat, it's just on one side. Worried it won't get better! Has anyone had this ? Thanks

13-03-15, 22:23
Lots, it'll be fine. :)

13-03-15, 22:47
Happens to me from time to time, usually clears up in 3-7 days, unless you somehow keep irritating it maybe. Really bothers me while it's there though.

14-03-15, 07:11
Thank you

16-03-15, 08:20
Still getting sore throat when I swallow.
Really worried and stresses.
Has anyone had this ..

19-03-15, 19:02
I thought I had scratched my throat, but I'm not so sure now.
Every time I eat, it feels like there is something there and it lasts for a while and then happens again when I eat.
Could this be stress?
Has anyone had this and how long did it last for.

19-03-15, 19:52
Don't talk to me about throats I have an issue with mine like yours and I can see a white mark down there and I have been told twice it's fine, now my right ear can hurt a bit, or I feel it between my throat and ear.
I'm such a stress head it's unreal and this is making it worse, my neck and throat suffer when I'm stressed out so I know what you feel like. Then you worry about it then it makes it worse.

22-03-15, 02:57
Hows your throat? Is it still sore? I thought I'd scratched mine on pizza at first, but the soreness switches sides now and is sometimes in the middle etc. Had it for nearly 2 weeks :/