View Full Version : citalopram 6 weeks advice please

13-03-15, 18:57
Hi guys this is my first post on here I'm 21 years old and have been suffering for anxiety for as long as I remember although I used to be able to control it. It's just unil recently (January) I've let everything build up and I had a nervous breakdown. I couldn't believe what was happening and still feel pretty shocked by the whole experience. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me with citalopram.. I took 10mg for a week and have been on 20mg for 6 weeks today. I feel as if I'm through the side effects but I still have a constant lingering anxiety and Nervousness I can't get off my mind. I feel like I'm obsessed with anxiety. These past few weeks I have been massively up and down with the ups not being so up really. I am so currently doing cbt which I find is helping a little but all my automatic thoughts are just doom and gloom. Any advice is welcome but please don't freak me out. Thankyou very much if anyone had the patience to actually read through that life story I appreciate it x

13-03-15, 20:49
Hi hope and dreams, I am similar to you I have been on citrilopram for 7 weeks the side effects were awfull but have started to settle down, the nervousness is still there but my panic attacks have not been as bad , I have been using self help books from Amazon and I find they really help, there helping me to break the negative loops Of thought and u feel like I am slowly getting a grip on it, very slowly but every little thing makes a difference, keep on with the citrilopram and the cbt and maybe have a read on the books, I have also started writing down my fears and thoughts and I find it helps sometimes :)

13-03-15, 20:51
Thanks so much for the reply I really really appreciate it.. I just really wish they would kick in and let me be normal again :(