View Full Version : because i dont feel anxious from my irrational thoughts it makes me think im a psycho

13-03-15, 23:46
Hi I'll try to make this short,

im a 16 year old girl, and basically my anxiety came back in november, from exam stress and I think I had really bad health anxiety like thinking I had kidney failure because I had white things in my urine. Anyway, when I got noticed no more physical things wrong with me, I foucused on my mental state and went over how I felt and analysed everything I did to see if it was normal and convinced myself that there was something wrong with me. Around Christmas I had derealisation which was awful and for 2 weeks I woke in the night with a racing heart and nearly crying. Fortunately that went when I kept myself busy. But now I still get moments when nothing feels real and the colour saturation fades but it doesn't scare me that much anymore.

Anyway, this week I've been slightly better and hadn't dwelled on these thoughts that I'm crazy so I thought that I would get better finally.but I noticed the other day that random words or songs or memories pop into my head out of no where. I mean they could be happy holiday memories that are funny but because I've noticed that they are random, I have to think about what the trigger is. This has made me think I've got a mental illness or something again and I don't want to feel that anxious as I was again.

Also, I noticed that the other night I woke up in the middle of the night and I was really sleepy and i felt like I could hear music in my ears even though I was half awake. This scared me because it was like I was dreaming before I fell asleep. And now I think maybe I'm schizophrenic?! I've heard ringing in my ears before trying to sleep but that was in January and I thought maybe it's tinnitus or something because my grandad had that in his later years :( this happens very rarely but i still think there's something wrong. And I've had this weird popping ear thing for like 2 months where my left ear pops randomly, not when I'm yawning or swallowing and it does feel slightly blocked.

I've had these random sexual thoughts, which makes me feel uncomfortable to talk about , but like I get the urge to do ' something' or think if other people so things and images come into my head :s I don't feel disgusted or anything but I cringe and think wtf but the fact I don't feel disgusted or anxious when these thoughts come in my head, I feel like I'm crazy. Its like Because I don't panic, it means that I like them or something and I'm a psychopath. Does anyone else feel like this? It's like I'm tired of feeling anxious so when I even think about the reasons that Ive convinced myself that I'm crazy and they don't make me have a panic attack or even feel anxious so now I question whether I'm psychotic and like these thoughts or something ? Or is this just a way of recovery? it's almost like I'm in denial and there is something wrong with me or soemthing.

Thanks for reading!!! Please reply nicely becuae I freak out easily :)
Ps I'm going to the doctors on Monday for my ear and I'm choosing a psychologist to visit in the hope that it will help me. Thanks again!!

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:14 ----------

I'd also like to add that I imagine scenarios in my head quite a bit or maybe things that happened in the day or even scenes in films or tv shows. For instance like if I watched the walking dead , it would be on my mind for ages and I would replay scenes in my head and want to talk about it alot, maybe this could be because I'm obsessed with the show haha but that's just an example. Anyway because I'm seeing this doctor, I've been unknowingly rehearsing what I'm going to say to him, I think because I fear that I won't know what to say or forget what is actually on my mind and he'll send me away. I've never been good at speaking on the spot: I don't put my hand up in lessons or even answer the housephone: so I was just wondering if this is normal as well I guess. And I wanted to get it off my chest because I don't think my family would be so understanding :) thank you!!!!

14-03-15, 06:55
Psychotic is actually argued as based on certain traits and oddly, you can be a 'good' onr or a 'bad' one. The bad ones are skewed towards the bad end of the traits and cannot move them hence cannot adjust their behaviour to situations. These are the typical psycho's that you think of, the violent serial killer types. The good ones fit to normal members of society. Bizarre eh?

A psychologist is a good way to go so you get a proper diagnosis and the right help.

I really think you should have a look at the OCD board on here because you seem to be suffering from intrusive thoughts. You don't have to have OCD to experience them, in fact studies have shown that all people have them but just don't realise until shown how to place emphasis on them. Its also fair to say that at your age, you are still learning about sexual behaviour so strange thoughts are likely to be common. Its difficult to say further without knowing more but I suggest you looked at this http://www.ocduk.org/types-ocd and determine if your thoughts fit to any of these types which would indicate a form of OCD (you don't have to discuss these, but please discuss them with your doctor & psychologist). Not reacting with anxiety doesn't mean you are psychotic. It could mean various things, but again the detail is important in understanding them.

Retrieving random memories isn't a problem, we all do things like that.

Obsessing about scenarios is common with obsessional thinking styles such as those with OCD. I do this a lot too. If it is about an upcoming event such as seeing your doctor, I would recommend writing down what you need to say & ask as this can help to get it out of your head and stop the obsessive thinking. Long term you want to learn how to calm your mind more and reduce anxiety in general which will help to reduce this. I found Mindfulness very good for my OCD.