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View Full Version : Frustrating

Marco H
03-09-04, 19:42

Ive getting frustrated as ive been on Cipralex for anxiety and depression 19 days now and i do not feel any different what so ever.

Is this normal or does this mean the pills are a waste of time and are not going to work.

I was told by the doctor that i should feel an iprovement within 2-3 weeks.


03-09-04, 19:55
Hi Marco

Welcome to the message forum.

I was at first on Dothiepin for about 3 months and nothing changed atall - no less panic just put on 2 stone in weight!!

Then I was on Prozac for 9 months and although it cured the depression it didn't touch the anxiety or panic attacks.

I just don't think I was suited to medication so gave it all up 6 years ago and only tried Citalopram for 3 weeks (for sleep problems) about 3 years ago but gave it up cos the side-effects were too much for me.

A lot of people on here say that Cipralex works for them but that does not mean it works for everyone.

I would give it another 2 weeks then see the doc to see what he thinks about changing.

Not all meds suit all people or they would be just ONE drug that we all took.

Perhaps you are like me and this drug isn't touching the panic.

Take some time to read the other posts about Cipralex.

Can I ask what else you are doing to try and overcome the anxiety and depression cos I am sure you are aware that the meds just mask the symptoms and do NOT cure them. They give relief whilst you fix the underlying problems so are you tackling those issues too?

Good to have you aboard anyway


03-09-04, 22:00
hello there,

I've been on cipralex since last november and it has done wonders for me. I think I noticed a real difference after being on it a month - don't give up hope yet!!

Sarah :D

03-09-04, 22:58
Hi Marco

Give it time please. You wont get the results in the first few weeks as it takes time and when it start to kick in you will know.

Patience was what i needed when i started my tablets as i thought nothing would work and gave up within the first few weeks but through good advice persevered and it paid of and really helped me.

I am sure in time it will start to work.

Love Sal xxxxx