View Full Version : i think i swallowed something hard/sharp and now im very scared! :(

14-03-15, 04:02
I have a phobia of accidentally swallowing glass or foreign objects so today really set me off!

Tonight I was eating a mini flan creme caramel desert type thing and as I took a spoonful I thought I felt something round bumpy and hard kind of like a rock and a tiny bit sharp. I bit down to try and locate it but I couldn't feel anything. I spat out and couldn't see anything so I thought ok maybe I'm just imagining it. If anything was in the dessert, it would have to have come FROM the dessert itself and that would be so rare since it's a completely soft pudding and from a supermarket chain (Sainsbury's lol) so what are the odds of finding something in a factory sealed food product right? I mean I had a freshly washed spoon how could I miss something at least 1-2cm big. Hmm...although I guess I could have accidentally swallowed it fast from the shock.

Well now I'm really worried and getting worked up over every tiny stomach pain. I already have ulcers though, so I have pretty constant stomach pain anyway!

It's 4am where I live and I don't really know what to do because I honestly don't even know if I actually swallowed a foreign object or if I just imagined it?

14-03-15, 13:06
This has happened to me several times - and I honestly don't think there was anything there. It is just the way your throat works sometimes when you swallow that can cause a moment of completely harmless sensation of pain and of 'something' going down - it does not mean you swallowed anything untoward.

For the sake of argument, let us SUPPOSE for a moment that you did - even that would not be a problem, as any small foreign object would just merge with whatever else you had eaten and safely pass through your digestive tract. As I understand it, it would be extremely rare for it to cause any damage.

I have heard that if anyone does swallow something sharp, it is a good idea to eat some bread straight away. Bread apparently does a very good job at 'wrapping up' anything it gets eaten with. How scientific this is, i don't know, but it can't hurt. :)

I hope you are feeling less worried today as the hours have passed and you are hopefully OK?

Best wishes from Annie