View Full Version : feeling crazy

14-03-15, 04:57
I know "feeling crazy" is a common symptom of anxiety...and I think I feel that a lot. I was just wondering how other people would describe their feelings of "going crazy". For me it is like everything seems Wrong and uncomfortable. I feel trapped. Things feel odd. I just feel like I am going mad. Can anyone else relate?

14-03-15, 06:42
Yeah, definately. I would be surprised if there is a single anxiety disorder sufferer out there who hasn't questioned their sanity until they learned more about their condition!

I've felt so hopeless due to depression that has made me feel this way in the past. My intrusive thoughts & OCD and all the weirdness that comes with that was a bigger driver for it. I've had a fair amount of the need to scream from the increased adrenaline althought I think this might be a problem with my SNRI as I'm starting to have rushes again. The increased adrenaline, whilst not making me feel anxious, has made me want to bang my head on walls which I think was partly that and the intrusive thoughts that it spikes. (I've never done that, it was just how it made me feel like I needed a release, so I guess it fits self harm there)

Feeling trapped is easily one of mine. I have obsessional thinking styles which breed a lot of daily routines which I have to work in breaking, many of which I have already, and this can make me feel trapped, like my life is a tunnel or remember that old image of the guy pushing a ball around a neverending castle turret (most likely inspired by the Greek story of Sisyphus who is cursed by the god Zue to push a boulder up a hill forever as it rolls back down again each time)

14-03-15, 12:43
I feel strange in my own body my head feels fuzzy and there have been times where iv just wanted to either run away or end it all I always think I'm gonna die or something is really wrong with me that drs haven't picked up on I have come to the point where I can't function daily and I feel a bad mother to my kids as I'm on my own and thy look to me for guidance and support and all thy see is me as a wreck medication , yoga, hypnosis, cbt none have worked I'm slowly givin up !