View Full Version : worried bout angina

anx mum
14-03-15, 12:16
For 2 weeks I have had pain in centre of chest sterum feels like a severe dull ache also I have pain in my left shoulder going down my arm the same sort of pain. Im worried cos today im on my own with my children. The docs are telling me its coming from my shoulder. But im scared its cardio related ive had ecgs done and blood work any one help?:weep:

14-03-15, 19:12
These are the exact same symptoms I've been having for a few days, I'm also so scared that its to do with my heart its so uncomfortable, hope your feeling better

14-03-15, 21:29
Extensive tests and doctor visits have shown otherwise.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
15-03-15, 12:58
Its so hard to believe fishmanpa. Feel so bad the dr thinks its coming from my shoulder having xray tomorrow

15-03-15, 14:51

I've had chest pain from the real deal (heart attacks) to anxiety/stress/reflux related pain. When the real deal happened, there was no mistaking it and tests showed it immediately. When the former happened, it wasn't as painful but based on my history, going to the doctor or ER (which I've done) was in order. In ALL cases of the former, it was anxiety/stress/reflux related. The pain has coincided with my cancer checkups ("scanxiety") and since I've been prescribed a good PPI, I've not had much of an issue.

I've been having chest pains the last month or so. Not bad but enough that it was concerning. I went to my cardiologist. She ordered a stress test and all came out Ok BUT... Guess what? I have stable angina. Due to my heart disease I have calcification in my arteries and it can lead to some pain occasionally. I was given Nitro for when it gets bothersome.

What I'm saying is, I know what angina pain is. I know what real chest pain from a serious issue is and I know what it's like when it's anxiety related. You have an extensive record of similar ailments that have been attributed to your anxiety. You have been tested more than I have and I actually have the ailments you fear!

Maybe this will be the time you begin to treat your real illness. I know there are times when it fades and is manageable but inevitably, it rears it's ugly head and you spiral. It's a pattern that's very obvious in your post history.

I do hope you feel better and begin the healing journey.

Positive thoughts

anx mum
15-03-15, 19:45
Thank u fishmanpa for sharing your story. Im in a right mess don't know what is going on but the pains are scaring me they are pretty much constant and go to my shoulder down my arm.

anx mum
17-03-15, 09:04
My doc has now put me on diclofenic to try and ease the pain hope it helps cant cope with this anymore