View Full Version : I feel a panic attack coming!

14-03-15, 20:07
Hello, does anybody get a sweet taste in there mouth with anxiety? im so anxious i can feel a panic attack coming because of this taste, i read on the internet you get a taste before a fit now im having massive anxiety! i hate this!!

Tia Maria
14-03-15, 20:41
Not necessarily. It is your anxiety about having a panic attack because of the taste that is causing you to become more anxious - in other words you are talking yourself into the attack. I know from many years experience how easy it is to talk yourself into a panic attack. You need to try to ignore - even if it feels horrible and just keep telling yourself that nothing awful will happen. I hope this helps.

14-03-15, 22:16
Hi, I can't say I've suffered the same, but I have a huge fear of fainting and I know how terrifying it can be to be scared it might happen and even if you rationalise, once the thought is there the panic comes anyway.
But! I've found recently that counting to 10 slowly, and telling myself that if was going to happen it would've by the time I finish allows me to stop feeling anxious over it. I'm not saying the counting time is particularly comfortable, but it helps to realise the anxious thought wasn't true, and not dwell on it for longer than necessary.
Really hope this helps, if you've panicked over it before and nothing's happened - try to remind yourself of that too x

16-03-15, 22:01
If I can feel an attack coming on and I don't think I can get out of it, I've discovered recently that trying to name for example an animal for every letter of the alphabet as quick as you can really distracts me from the symptoms and helps me keep control of my rational side! Obviously substitute animal for food, plant, shop, etc etc! Doesn't matter, just keeps the mind busy! :)

17-03-15, 15:48
i dont get a sweet taste but have had an odd taste and tingling in my mouth before panic attacks,,i normally try eating a peppermint it just distracts me enough to calm down