View Full Version : pauses in beats

14-03-15, 21:02
for 10 days solid now ive been having pauses in my heart beat went to walk in last week over it they picked them up on ecg and also heard them through stethoscope im still having them ten days on im terrified they seem to be worse when im at rest but today ive had them at work and still having them now i do a very active job the doctor last week said they just sound like normal missed beats but my question is how can it be normal to miss a beat every 7 to 12 beats sometimes 2 or 3 in a row i could cry right now they are getting me so run down im scared that my heart is just going to stop beating oneday/night and nobodys listening to my concerns about it my doc wont refer me to a cardioligist prescribed me propanalol that have made no difference at all dont know what i want from this post just need to tell someone who has the same as me :weep: im 37 by the way

14-03-15, 23:41
If they caught them on an ECG they can tell if they're benign or not. In your case they are.

I'm surprised the doc didn't do a full 24 hour monitor though.

What I tell myself after I get palpitations is if they were going to kill me they would have :)

People have lived with them from being young till ripe old ages like 80 and above.

As I said in the first sentence as long as they're benign there's nothing to worry about other than the odd sensation when they occur :)

15-03-15, 00:35
i had a 7 day halter on last year they said all was ok since this episode its the first time ive had them all day/night without a break he did say they are benign but my heads running away with them i need them to stop =( just wish i could go back to when i never gave my heart a second thought lol

15-03-15, 00:39
I wish the same but it's just another one of life's challenges we have to adapt and overcome :)

Good luck

15-03-15, 00:55
thankyou =) your right just have to muddle on i spose thanks for replying to my post