View Full Version : Leukemia/Anxiety questions

14-03-15, 22:39
1. Do leukemia bruises hurt?

2. Can anxiety cause bone tenderness?

3. Can leukemia cause the feeling of a twisted ankle?

4. Would leukemia cause NON visible bruising?

5. How fast does leukemia progress?

Any other info would be appreciated?

14-03-15, 22:48
I'm sorry Toby, I don't mean to be rude but you are posting about this way too much. I understand that you're scared. Because we've all been there, obsessing over one particular thing. So I understand. But, the fact is, so many people have given you reassurance and there's not much more information to give you.

You really need to go to your doctor about this if you're worrying over it this much because the reassurance from others on here for example, is clearly not working. It may do for about an hour then you're back to sqaure one. If you can't go to see your doctor, go and see the school nurse. He/she will listen to you and may refer you to a counsellor of some sort to sort out your problems. Because if you think about it, you've obsessed over this for four months did you say? And you're anxiety is getting worse from it.

You can post and post and post about Leukaemia but you'll never get the reassurance you want. Only people in the medical profession can help you with this.

Like I said, I don't mean to be rude in any way. People want to help you but you need to help yourself. Take the steps of going to see the doctor or school nurse, write everything down you're worried about. You'll get through it all with the right help :)

14-03-15, 22:48
Please please please calm down. You do not have leukemia. You would be very ill. Anxiety causes every symptom going and you sound incredibly anxious.

I know how you feel I've been there with the leukemia fear, I had a breakdown because I was utterly convinced that I had it and nobody believed me. I never had it. X

14-03-15, 22:59
I know, I really do need to see someone about this and I just want to be told I don't have it to be honest. I'd give up my next 5 birthdays to be told I don't have leukemia or any kind of cancer. My mum spoke to a doctor about me and my worries and he said that he'd get in touch with the school nurse. I'd prefer to actually speak to the doctor, but my mum won't take me because she says that the doctor's already arranging something. I've told her all my worries and she knows everything. She tries to reassure me, but it just doesn't work. It may work for an hour or two, but then I just start panicking. Like I have tender bones, a painful ankle, petechiae and other symptoms too. It all adds up and I just wonder, how can anxiety cause things like tender bones? That's why I asked. In the mean time, I can't help the way I am and there's nothing I can do to change.

How come you thought you had it Roxy?

14-03-15, 23:13
My son never had bruises. He was so ill that he couldn't rise off the couch. Stopped eating stopped playing stopping walking towards the end. You need a blood test then you need to seek professional help. You are too young to be worried about this. With that said leukemia is very curable at your age. I'm not sure why you choose leukemia but I'm telling you as a mother to a child with the disease that you are fine physically but you need a doctor to tell you this and then you need therapy so that you can be mentally well.

14-03-15, 23:19
Thank you for replying :)

Sorry to hear about your son, I hope he's alright now. Leukemia is a nasty disease to get and it sounds so horrible. I feel ashamed of myself for actually telling myself that I have it after reading that.

15-03-15, 00:24
Don't feel terrible. You know how many diseases I thought I've had? It's not that horrible. My son is doing very well. I'm concerned for your mental well being. You need to address your anxiety.

15-03-15, 06:39

But is your mum reassuring you that you don't have leukemia? Or is she reassuring you that you don't but also acknowledging this anxiety as well? Does your mum understand about anxiety disorders or is she a typical parent who has no clue about them? How many of us on here knew anything about them before experiencing them...I knew next to nothing.

Your GP obviously doesn't understand your position because he/she would never contact your school nurse, who won't be qualified to do anything. He/she would consider referring you to CAMHS. He/she may have decided to contact the school nurse so she can monitor your concerns over bruising but it won't cover anxiety.

You can go to see your GP alone. Your GP will decide whether he/she thinks you are mature enough to deal with the situation and to consent to treatment. If not, which is unlikely with anxiety disorders (unless its due to an issue at home that would be made worse by involving parents) as you will need a lot of support and the nature of anxiety disorders is that we have distorted thinking patterns and often miss the reality of the situation.

So, why not contact your GP surgery and ask for an appointment? Tell your GP how you feel, not just about the leukemia issue and I spotted you mentioned you used to worry about bone cancer on another thread. Also talk about your worries about family members having cancer. Your GP will see these as warning signs that your mental health is suffering.

And if you need to talk to someone then consider Childline. Its one of the reasons they are there.

15-03-15, 17:29
I think I will ask my parents to get me into the doctors. To be honest, I'm not as worried about my health, I'm more worried about the health of my mum at the moment.

Something tells me that she definitely has throat cancer because she becomes hoarse from time to time. She says that she has no difficulty swallowing though and logic seems to tell me that if she did have it, there'd be a sore throat or pain for definite?

15-03-15, 17:51
I've responded about this on your other post

16-03-15, 04:44
I think ones for the GP to consider. But you need to be open with your GP about all of this and let him/her decide whether there are legitimate concerns or anxiety disorders in play.

It can be very hard to see outside of the tunnel vision in anxiety disorders and some, like HA, are worse than others for this. Cognitive Distortions cover the range of negative thinking patterns where this can be seen and there are ways to break this style of thinking which involve tools & techniques.

So, perhaps let your GP determine whether it is your health that is the priority here because they can take an unclouded view.

Something to think about is a wise thing that FMP often says to people in these situations which is "the fact that you have joined a website like this is a hint that you believe you may have a problem" (where do I send the royalty to FMP?) and I think he is right because why would anyone join an anxiety forum to talk about cancers when they could join a cancer forum? (please don't do this though) If you had a problem with a bad back, you wouldn't join a forum about headaches.