View Full Version : Don't feed the fire

15-03-15, 23:24
Thoughts of another member about health anxiety


08-05-15, 07:34

08-05-15, 09:22
Very true but hard as hell to implement 24/7 and especially when you're in that line of fire..

08-05-15, 09:36
Very true, Pulisa. As an OCD sufferer I never thought I would stop any of the things I did. My days were pretty much identical in terms of what I did and the time I did them...and we are talking a lot of rituals, I couldn't even walk anywhere without checking every lamppost, car reg, house number, etc over & over again.

I don't do that now, or if I do its not much and because the GAD has flared up.

For me, reducing GAD was a good way to reduce OCD. Maybe those with HA have similiar problems and reducing overall anxiety or a co morbid condition can have a knock on effect too?

I thought it might be worth bumping a few positive threads and remembered CPE's blog.

08-05-15, 12:18
It is hard. I find I get better with it until something new pops up. Eventually I get better at it with the new health "problem" and it just repeats. When I get better at it, my mind finds something else. So I just try and try again. It's really tiring sometimes, but I do think I am better at it than I used to be. I don't get the intense panic as often or for as long and I try to take my doctor's word for it and move on.

08-05-15, 14:01
Terry, you have overcome so much and continue to be so supportive of others on here...

I get periods of overwhelming HA after periods of prolonged stress. The OCD checking rituals of my youth have morphed into HA with a touch of GAD and an ED which I've had for many decades. Being a carer has no doubt promoted the HA.

Just got to laugh about it and get on with life!:D

09-05-15, 00:09

09-05-15, 06:17
Thanks Pulisa, I really appreciate that. I find when my blips come, helping on here is at least a distraction and at most a healthy experience so its worth doing.

I don't think you give yourself enough credit, you've had things tough but you are still battling through it all and that shows great strength.

09-05-15, 13:12
Bump bump.

10-05-15, 06:29