View Full Version : Anxiety causing swallowing issues.

15-03-15, 23:48
Let me write a timeline of my symptoms for you to better understand what I am going through. I have posted here a few times but feel the need to keep posting as I'm so worried!

January 29th - Cramp in hand, I google and come across ALS. I read the symptoms and see that difficulty swallowing is one. I test my swallowing and it seems fine. I go to sleep.

January 31st - I wake up with some swallowing difficulty. I am now very worried and google even more, and then become even more worried.

February 3rd - The swallowing problem has not subsided and seems o have gotten worse. I make a GP appointment and he prescribes Penicillin for Tonsillitis

February 8th - Go to A&E with a rash and have blood taken. Was told I am allergic to Penicillin and that I don't seem to have tonsillitis. I am still having difficulty swallowing and ask the doctor. He said it is Viral and will disappear.

Feb 9th - Go to A&E with intense pain just below my breastbone. I was told Acid Reflux and given Omeprazole and Peptac.

Feb 15th - The swallowing problem is still persistent and refuses to budge. Another bout of extreme pain, this time it is agonising and prevents me from standing up straight. It lasts about an hour. Again, I was told acid reflux.

Feb 18th, 19th and 20th - The swallowing issue seems to be subsiding. I go to London for the weekend and have a few pints over these few days. I can still feel the problem but it doesn't seem as obvious.

Feb 21st - The swallowing gets a lot worse and I start to google ALS again.

Feb 25th - I go to GP and I am given a 28 day Omperazole course and have bloods taken to check thyroid function and blood sugar. All clean. Have been referred for an Endoscopy.

Currently the swallowing problem isn't as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but it's still there and is quite annoying. I can get food down and liquids down but feel that the swallowing reflex sticks when I have nothing in my mouth. It feels like the whole swallow motion is strained and takes more effort than usual. All I can think about is having ALS at the age of 19.

Does this sound like anxiety. I am scared to have an endoscopy incase they tell me some awful news :weep:

16-03-15, 00:30
Hi there. Anx, I'm afraid so. I suffer the same problem. Basically, I struggle to swallow every time I eat because I'm afraid of choking. It's your throat muscles being tense, and the more you think about it, the worse it gets.

Once you fear something, it's hard not to obsess about it, trust me, I know. Just remember how much easier swallowing is after a few beers - because you're relaxed and don't think about it.

16-03-15, 23:07
I struggle to swallow when I have an empty mouth.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------

Also, I've heard that anxiety comes on slowly? Is this true? My swallowing difficulty came overnight.

17-03-15, 03:03
My anxiety hit me like a tonne of bricks - had the swallowing thing. Look up globus xx

18-03-15, 01:35
It seems to have come back stronger again today. Feels like when I swallow the muscles refuse to push anything down my throat.