View Full Version : Insomnia urrrrghhhh

16-03-15, 10:13
Hi have been posting for a while about this but really getting beyond a joke,
started with:
Nytol worked one night not the next
Diazepam 15mg not worked
Zolpicone worked one night the gradually less and less over the following 3 nights.
Mirtazapine 15mg worked great first night not too bad 2nd and 3rd night.
Saturday an Sunday night not worked at all back to square one, has made me feel slightly less anxious but as my deepest darkest fear is sporadic fatal insomnia this is doing nothing to quell my fear, Iknow its extremely rare but why cant I bloody sleep.

I am tired i start to nod off so easily and just as I am about to sleep wham i am dragged back to being awake time after time after time all night long I am so fed up with this can ANYONE PLEASE PLEASE OFFER SOME ADVICE back to docs on wednesday she thinks its all anxiety related but I cant seem to make anyone listen that I wasnt anxious I just stopped bloody sleeping I am feeling so frustrated. Have had a brain scan waiting for results just wondered if anyone else has had it this bad. Thank you all x

17-03-15, 13:01
Hi Jane, I feel your pain! I stopped sleeping almost 4 weeks ago! I don't know why and I'm scared. I take trazodone now and zopiclone. It's helping a bit but I still can't fall asleep alone! I think mine is anxiety related so I'm going for counselling and in a few days to a hypnotherapist. I know exactly how you feel it's terrifying. Please let me know if you get some relief! Xx

17-03-15, 14:06
I did get some relief last night had a very large glass of wine at t time followed by 15mg mirtazapine at bedtime and hypnosis on my earphones. I slept woke three times once drenched in sweat once hearing a phone ( in my head) and then in the morning so I slept not exactly restful :/ but none the less sleep. Let's see what tonight brings. Thank you for replying it is terrifying isn't it and self perpetuating when you lay in bed with your heart pounding before you even start. Hope your counselling makes ca difference and you get some sleep too. Good to know we are not alone. I am also making myself walk about 3 hours a day even though I am shattered. It is making me feel less bonkers. Take care good luck thank you x

17-03-15, 14:42
This is me all over. I hate this insomnia. I could understand it if I was sitting about all day., but I am on the go all the time.
Last night I took 2 mogadon 2 libriam and 2 strong painkillers.
Thought that would do it NO. It did not. Anxiety is a awful thing to have.
I have no answers to this awful problem.
Maybe I should try the wine thing. I have tried everything else x

17-03-15, 14:45
I sympathize with your dilemma but please, do not mix alcohol with drugs.

Positive thoughts

17-03-15, 15:29
I did check with the pharmacist first he said it was fine to have one or two glasses of wine would may just make me drowsy. Had wine with tea at 630 and mirtazapine at 11pm so not at the same time.

18-03-15, 09:17
No sleep at all last night glass of wine at t time 15mg of mirtazapine at bedtime off to docs today don't know what to say the more hysterical I am they just put it down to anxiety but I am getting worried it is something physical to do with my brain. Also Monday I slept I woke in night to find I was not just sweating but burning up from the inside out if you know what I mean.

18-03-15, 10:16
Hi Jane, I'm so sorry you're still having such a hard time. When you're so tired it's really hard be rational about things, believe me I know! I was so exhausted last night I thought surely I must sleep so tried it alone but no sleep :( trazodone didn't help, only zopiclone in the end. Hard times eh? Try to relax a bit as all the cortisol you're producing will make it worse. I hope your doctor can help, good luck and let me know how you get on xx

18-03-15, 11:07
Yes will do. Thank you for your support hope you have a better night tonight. Xx

19-03-15, 10:15
Hi Jane, how did you get on at the doctors? Hope you're ok xx

19-03-15, 15:42
Hi the doc said to try 3.75 zopiclone if I can't sleep with it. But u took a few valerian an hop drops and went to bed later and got up earlier I did sleep ok. I am just waiting for mri results and if that is clear and still having problems refer to sleep clinic. Thank you for asking xx how did you get on last night? Xx

19-03-15, 16:24
That sounds very positive! I had a good night but I took zopiclone in the middle of the night (got 3.5 hours with traz then another 4.5 with Zop). So had 8 hours sleep but would obv prefer not to take the Zopiclone! Spoke to my doc today who said to increase traz to 150mg. Having awful side effects though so not looking forward to that but I do want to sleep! Do you think the valerian and hop drops worked then? Where do you buy them? You sound much less anxious today, fingers crossed you can turn a corner now! V interested in sleep clinic!!! Xx

20-03-15, 10:00
No sleep at all last night everytime I nodded off and I could nod off just like being pulled awake kept hearing things too loud noise as I nodded off scary. Mirtazapine snd zopiclone not work awake all bloody night so hard with a large family to look after I am literally loosing the plot now.

20-03-15, 10:10
Have you ever tried any relaxation techniiques, visualisation techniques or meditation Jane? I often found that listening to pleasant music whilst doing these would help me to drift a bit.

I remember that stage of being so alert that noises would do that or wake me up and it was very frustrating. I can tell you that as you recover, this lessens as your senses are just not as hyper vigilant anymore.

20-03-15, 10:18
The noises are in my head not real and yes I have been doing cbt relaxation meditation and hypnosis ��all to no avail I actually think I am mad now never mind going mad.

20-03-15, 11:28
Oh, do you mean things like blood rushing/pumping? I remember I would get that everytime I put my head on the pillow and it kept me awake.

It sounds horrible Jane, I always hated insomnia and I'm lucky not to have had it so long. I think my worst was about 8 days or so but I was at least getting some sleep and waking in a panic before work.

I don't know if there is anything on here you could try, if you haven't already, but make sure you check them against your medication for interactions on Drugs.com first just incase or ask a pharmacist:


I wonder if your GP could try melatonin?