View Full Version : Terrified. Brain tumor

16-03-15, 10:59
I know you guys have seen about 4,000 brain tumor fear threads and almost all of them said their situation was different so im not going to say that. I just need help. I will list my symptoms then go more in depth. I am a 27 year old male

Headaches/Head Pressue pretty much everyday
random muscle twitching and index finger twitches
light headed when standing up
random chills down legs (very mild)
random weak feeling in legs/doesn't make it harder to walk or anything just feel like jello
right nostril is clogged 24/7
pressure in ears
tons of floaters
bloodshot eyes
random ringing in ears that last like 5 sec..sometimes just one ear(sometimes left sometimes right)

Last May I started having widespread muscle twitching after reading that my finger twitch could be caused by als or parkinsons. I was really worried about this and these symptoms lasted for a couple months and went away. about 4 months ago I started getting headaches/pressure everyday. It went away in January for about a month and has come back and isn't going away. If I take OTC pain meds headaches go away. Ive never had issues with headaches in my life. This headaches also respond well to massage most of the time.

Ive seen my dr twice about these headaches and he did an quick (neuro exam) looking in eyes, reflexes and strength test. Blood test were normal except borderline anemia which I also had borderline anemia a few months ago when I went to the ER for my headaches. I also had every eye test done at my eye doctor about a month ago and vision is perfect. Some days are better than others but I cant get past this fear of a brain tumor. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I posted on another anxiety forum and didn't get many responses. Any heko would be appreciated.

16-03-15, 12:09
G Dome,

BT fears are one of the most common fears on the boards yet I know of not one that has realized their fears. The key word being "fear". Of the 4000 threads you've read, what makes your's different? (it's actually similar if not the same as every one I've read).

You start your post talking about bt fear threads and created one yourself. The symptoms you describe can all be attributed to anxiety. Medical professionals have cleared you.

Most of all you're posting this on an anxiety forum so deep down you know what the problem is. You asked for help. The best way to treat the symptoms is to treat the real problem. If you had a serious physical illness, would you not treat it? Anxiety is a serious illness, just not a physical one. Indeed, it causes physical symptoms but the emanate from the mind not a tumor. What's stopping you from treating your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

16-03-15, 12:25
I guess the only thing stopping me is getting my DR to take me seriously. I don't experience all those symptoms everyday and I know the chances are slim but it's just not something I'm use to or had to deal with in my life. I've never had a headache or most of those symptoms until recently. I've always had mild floaters and random ringing in ears but it's hard to not think the worst when I've never experience this. It seems since we've had kids I've been terrified of dying and not being there for them. Anxiety and everything is all so new to me. And I'm not saying my situation is any different, just differant to me. Thanks for the advice and I guess it's time to try and find a dr willing to take my anxiety seriously