View Full Version : So down - work and migraines

18-01-07, 10:51
Wanted to put something on here as I don't really have anyone to talk to, and I know when I tell my family this they will only be angry with me.
I have suffered from anxiety / depression / headaches nearly all my life, as I have got older, got a family and a son they have got worse. I work full time in local government and find life really hard sometimes. Due to stress I think recently I have been off sick from work a number of times with migraines, and today had to have an official interview with my boss about it.
He says that he had noticed I have a few Mondays off and that looked a bit "sus" I asked him what he meant by that, was he inferring I was drinking or partying (I wish [xx(]) and he then said NO, so I am still not sure what that means. He said he will have to call in health and safety to look at my workstation where I work to see if they can do something.
I am not blaming my employer for this, but I have to work to pay the mortgage and I am now worrying and scared I have messed up my career record with this on my file.
I try so so hard, and the doctor knows about it. I have taken God knows how many pills and things to try and stop the onset of the migraines, I am also on citalopram for depression. I have had an MRI scan to check it is nothing in my head (that was all OK) so I dont know what else to do. When I have a bad migraine attack I cannot see, walk or even speak without slurring, so going to work with it would not be an option.
Really want some help and advice from people.... feel really scared, alone and depressed. [V]

18-01-07, 11:30
Hi there Cat

I really do sympathise with you as I have suffered from migraines also and they are so debilitating, I also can not walk, talk or see when one comes on they can be very scary. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you would like some support hun[^]



18-01-07, 13:43
Hi Catwoman

As a matter of course your employer will have to risk assess you - eg., your work station to make sure it complies with the Display Screen Equipment Regs and they may also risk assess you for stress. They are simply complying with the their obligations under the law so I wouldn't read too much into that. In fact, they appear to be responsible employers. Also, don't read too much into the interview. It was simply a 'back to work' interview, which many of us are subjected to as employees.

I just posted on this forum regarding migraine (current one has lasted about 4 days, well at least the aftermath of it has). I really believe it was triggered by the light in a room I was working in. When I return to work I will certainly be hassling for a blind as I'm sure the light is a trigger for me.

Hope you're feeling better and less worried now.
Kay x