View Full Version : High blood pressure tablets 150/114

16-03-15, 19:24
I'm 32 female.
For 2 years I have had high Bps since birth of my son. I'm over weight and I like to drink in evenings. Iv stopped that now.
On the waiting list for weightless surgery.

I have been prescribed amlodipine. I panicked myself by reading the leaflet side affects :weep:
Is anyone else on high bp tabs? What's ur ages if you are ?


16-03-15, 22:08
I'm 35. On propanalol

16-03-15, 22:44
Thanks for reply. What were your readings?

17-03-15, 07:55
These type of medications are so well used by millions of people with few side-effects. They are really very safe overall.

17-03-15, 12:21
150/110 something like that I know it was pretty severe hypertension . Took them for a while then stopped when went back to normal