View Full Version : Symptoms still there?

16-03-15, 20:12

If you read my past 2 threads then you will realize that I've been worrying a lot about my sisters health. Yes, health anxiety can cause excessive worry about not just your health, but of those around you too, especially your loved ones!

So her symptoms all started on Saturday morning when she came home all tired from a sleepover, even though having went to sleep quite early the previous night. Then came the cough, sore throat, ear ache, stiff neck, headache, fatigue. So as someone with HA, I become all concerned and I think "Let's turn to Dr Google!". So I search all this and guess what comes up.. LEUKEMIA! So there I am, googling myself into hell. Her fever is going down now, her earache has gone, as has her fatigue (well, more on the tiredness side). I'm scared that it's leukemia mainly because she's only 9 (and leukemia is the most common cancer in kids) and has had a one or two stomach viruses in the past two months. And now this! Otherwise, she's really active and goes to loads of sports clubs.

Any ideas?


Toby :huh:

---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:28 ----------


16-03-15, 20:27
I have an idea.

Speak to your parents. Get them to seek some professional help for you.

I think the only one with an illness in your family is you, and you need help.

I'm not being rude, I am being honest.

There is no point anyone giving you any other type of advice because you do not listen to it, probably due to your age.

Stop wasting your life away on a forum, speak to someone closer to you, ie in real life, that can actually help you. Get yourself better, then get on with your life and have fun :)

16-03-15, 20:32
sounds like the flu to me or a cold. It's not leukaemia my mum has leukaemia. Like dazza says you need to get some help for yourself. Talk with your family or see your gp. I wish you all the best

16-03-15, 20:32
I'm a mum of two children, One is now 14 and the other is 8, this sounds like a typical viral infection to me, and believe me i have seen quite a few with my boys!.

The fact symptoms are wearing off is a good thing, a virus can wipe you out for days if not weeks some times so it's natural to be tired after fighting one off.

I hope you can get the help you need to move on from your health anxiety sweetheart, as a mum myself i really do feel for you and i would hate to think of my own son suffering like this, please please talk to your parents or someone close to you and get the help you need to live happily, you owe it to yourself.


16-03-15, 20:36
Thanks a lot everyone for your replies.

I can't help myself. My parents know how bad my HA is but they just don't understand. I've spoken to them about my anxieties about my sister, they say it's just a cold too. The main reason I'm worried is because she's had 2 viral infections in the space of two months and now this. I want to change, but idk how.

---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Sorry to hear about your mum Sam, hope she's doing well :hugs:

16-03-15, 20:40
Thank you, I know it's difficult when I was 1st diagnosed with anxiety I never excepted it for over a year convinced myself I had cancer or I was dying. it's the natural body's reaction to think the worst sometimes. Nobody really understands properly unless they've experienced it

16-03-15, 20:44
What is it you want the people of this forum to do for you or say to you?

You keep posting the same questions, and keep getting the same replies.

What else are you looking for?

It can't be reassurance, because you have had that, and it has made no difference.

16-03-15, 20:56
Believe it or not, it is reassurance and the comfort of knowing that people are going through the same thing as I am.

That's what this forum is for. :)

---------- Post added at 20:56 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

Thank you, I know it's difficult when I was 1st diagnosed with anxiety I never excepted it for over a year convinced myself I had cancer or I was dying. it's the natural body's reaction to think the worst sometimes. Nobody really understands properly unless they've experienced it

Exactly. Some people just don't understand what we go through day in day out.

16-03-15, 20:58
But Toby, you say you are 14.

If I had a 14 year old son, I wouldn't want him joining a forum full of adults to discuss his worries, I would expect him to come to me or speak to people his own age. I also do not think I would be happy with adult strangers advising my son, if he was 14 years old.

I will leave you to it and wish you luck with getting the help you clearly need.

18-03-15, 09:44
Remember Toby, if you need help in talking to your parents, there is always Childline. Whilst they may be strangers, they are trained in talking to children in distress and to come up with ways to help you.

Talking to your GP will mean they will want to explain this to your parents and how they can support you better.