View Full Version : thanx 2 every1

18-01-07, 11:53
hi i would just like 2 thank all of u who welcomed me. im going 2 get tested 4 vertigo like one of the members suggested 2 me. im at the doctors 2morrow morning 4 the first time after i was diagnosed in A&e on monday nite. i was asked if i know where it stemed from cuz some people get anxiety after the collapse of a relationship or death of a loved one but im not really sure. i think its cuz im overworked. in the summer i was working 60 hours a week at work and still going out partying. i also went 2 college in the autumn and was going straight 2 my bar job after my classes had finished. my dad is ill but not life threatening (hes diabetic and has a bone crumbling disease in his feet) hes also depressed and u have 2 tread carefully around his moods. my moms lovely but gets stressed easy and is always nagging and my younger sister is seeing a child psychologist 4 depression and ocd although shes pretty much on the mend now after 2 years. despite all this ive still remained as wot was normal 2 me (up until now) i was also in a bad relationship where my confidence was knocked and i cudnt take no more of my boyfriends lies. hes out of my life now and im wiv a great man but do u think that the anxiety as built up over the months without me realising and has just caught up wiv me now that i thought things were heading in a new direction. someone on the site said anxiety starts with that nervy feeling in ur tummy and thats how mine started monday daytime before i was taken 2 hospital with breathing trouble. lv 2 u all, i know im going 2 make sum friends who can understand me rather than be 2 sympathetic like my other friends, much luv amy xxx
