View Full Version : Fear of death

17-03-15, 17:54

I had been dealing in the last one week with a severe fear of death. The whole thing started when I had an annoying dream and since then this idea is stuck in my mind all time, I have this constant fear of getting a stroke at any moment and end up dying. I started seeing anything happens to me as a sign of dying like if someone I hadn't talk o in a long while texts me it when a good thing happen to me.

I went to see the doctor today and he prescribed me Ecipharm (an Escitalopram). I started this medicine today and while I know it needs sometime before kicking in, I just wanted to know if anyone had experienced the same fear and if this medication had helped anyone out.


21-03-15, 13:58
Are you not afraid of sharks ? What about falling off a cliff, are you not afraid of that ? The chances are you ARE afraid of those things, you're just not bothered by them because you're not focusing on them for large parts of the day.

Control what you focus on.

Disturbing thoughts pop into my head every day, but I look away from them instantly and give something else my attention. Once I've forgotten about the disturbing thought, it's not affecting me. I still fear it. But that means nothing if I'm no longer thinking about it. You ARE in control of what you focus on and with practice can learn to shift your attention off uncomfortable subjects and forget.