View Full Version : Sinus Infection and Ear Pain

17-03-15, 19:39
So I've been having issues with my sinuses (facial pain, congestion, headache, mild vertigo) since having an upper respiratory infection about six weeks ago....at my doctor's suggestion, I've tried over-the-counter decongestants (oral and nasal spray), saline spray, humidifier...all to no avail. In the past day or so, I've had ear pain along with the sinus pain (mostly on the right-hand side of my head)...my doctor called in a prescription today for an antibiotic and I'm hoping that will help, and am scheduled for a CT scan of my sinuses to see if there are any structural issues (I get this type of infection fairly frequently)....BUT, being afflicted with health anxiety, I am of course freaking out that I've got something much more sinister going on....a tumor or an aneurysm or an infection in my brain....or something worse (not sure what that would be)...or maybe all three. I'm at my desk in the office almost weeping as I type, I've got myself so worked up about this. Has anyone else ever had ear pain with a sinus infection? Health anxiety is SUCH a bore......it's always something.:weep: