View Full Version : Petechiae?

17-03-15, 22:04
Is it normal to have LOADS of tiny pin prick dots all over your legs that I believe are called petechiae. Not just 10 or so, I mean like 50-90 scattered all over your legs.

PS. I'm not worrying about this that much, I'm simply trying to brush my leukemia fear off.

18-03-15, 01:44
You can't brush off anxiety by seeking reassurance. You NEED to seek help. My son never had dots. He never had bruises. He had repeated infections and fevers for a month. He become as pale as sheet, couldn't eat or get off the couch. When he tried to walk he would fall and cry in pain. I was watching him slip away before my eyes. Go to the doctor get a blood test then seek professional help. You are too young for this anxiety. Please I'm begging you get help before you spiral downwards. The longer you ignore anxiety the worse it will get. You are young you should be enjoying life sweetheart. Please please get help.

18-03-15, 09:34
Toby, I think what people are seeing is that these questions are asked and replied to but you still have these worries, some more intense than others and this does point towards an anxiety problem. Eitherway, its time to visit your GP.