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View Full Version : Pineal Gland cyst in MRI/Extreme Panic/Suicidal

18-03-15, 08:07
Please.. Anybody.. This is going to be long winded but I'm just to the point where I've HAD it. I'm so depressed and so tired of panicking and being in pain 24/7. I'll start with the most recent thing. Ringing in my ears had been going on for years.. (I'm 21. I turn 22 in 2 weeks been dealing with anxiety problems since 16, at least that was my first panic attack that started the panic and hypochondria) I went to a Ear Nose and Throat doctor for the ringing. Hearing test came back perfect and my ears looked good. So I went for a MRI without contrast because my insurance would only cover without contrast and not both. Got the results and they said it was normal however I had a small cyst (about 6mm) on my pineal gland and couldn't find an answer or the ringing. So, I got sent to a Neurologist. My anxiety is through the roof. Panicking as soon as I hear that something is in my brain. I read that it can cause all these problems if it's big enough. Maybe it's the reason I have such extreme anxiety (how I'm thinking) I went in today. The neurologist told me.. Nothing to worry about or lose sleep over. Completely common. It wouldn't cause any of my anxiety or panic or depression. Went through the neurology exam and he wanted me to do a EEG to check my brain waves and see if my panic attacks are actually seizures of some kind or something. I had it done and I have to wait until Monday for the a take home one for 3 days which has me so scared. Night time is the worse for me anymore. Around 8 o'clock hit and here comes all the symptoms full blast. I have been having to take kholonpin (that I'm not prescribed anymore since I haven't been able to see a psychiatrist.. Financial reasons) but with this 3 day test I can't take anything, I don't think. I've just had it. I it's not the constant health panic, it's the fear that I'm going crazy or schizophrenic. I can't even try any SSRIs because I'll take one and go straight into panic. I got prescribe Paxil and boom.. I woke up the same night shaking, cold sweats, pounding heart, throwing up.. Complete panic. I always call my mom and see if she can help me. I'm so tired of being in this constant pain. Can ANYBODY going threw this help me with any if this?

---------- Post added at 08:07 ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 ----------

Please.. I really need some urgent help/Advice. I don't want to die.. But I haven't slept all night and I can't do this! I'm so miserable

18-03-15, 20:33
Please.. Anybody.. This is going to be long winded but I'm just to the point where I've HAD it. I'm so depressed and so tired of panicking and being in pain 24/7. I'll start with the most recent thing. Ringing in my ears had been going on for years.. (I'm 21. I turn 22 in 2 weeks been dealing with anxiety problems since 16, at least that was my first panic attack that started the panic and hypochondria) I went to a Ear Nose and Throat doctor for the ringing. Hearing test came back perfect and my ears looked good. So I went for a MRI without contrast because my insurance would only cover without contrast and not both. Got the results and they said it was normal however I had a small cyst (about 6mm) on my pineal gland and couldn't find an answer or the ringing. So, I got sent to a Neurologist. My anxiety is through the roof. Panicking as soon as I hear that something is in my brain. I read that it can cause all these problems if it's big enough. Maybe it's the reason I have such extreme anxiety (how I'm thinking) I went in today. The neurologist told me.. Nothing to worry about or lose sleep over. Completely common. It wouldn't cause any of my anxiety or panic or depression. Went through the neurology exam and he wanted me to do a EEG to check my brain waves and see if my panic attacks are actually seizures of some kind or something. I had it done and I have to wait until Monday for the a take home one for 3 days which has me so scared. Night time is the worse for me anymore. Around 8 o'clock hit and here comes all the symptoms full blast. I have been having to take kholonpin (that I'm not prescribed anymore since I haven't been able to see a psychiatrist.. Financial reasons) but with this 3 day test I can't take anything, I don't think. I've just had it. I it's not the constant health panic, it's the fear that I'm going crazy or schizophrenic. I can't even try any SSRIs because I'll take one and go straight into panic. I got prescribe Paxil and boom.. I woke up the same night shaking, cold sweats, pounding heart, throwing up.. Complete panic. I always call my mom and see if she can help me. I'm so tired of being in this constant pain. Can ANYBODY going threw this help me with any if this?

18-03-15, 20:52
Hey hope this helps to calm you somewhat. I had an MRI last year after having many different symtoms.
The MRI showed a fluid filled sac ( cyst ) my neurologist told me apart from that the scan was passed has normal he also said it was nothing to worry about and I may have had it for years .
He also said there are many people walking around with them and don't know they have them it's only when they have something like an MRI they are found but he discharged me and told me to forget it.
Another lovely member on here also had the same found when he had his MRI I am sure he wouldn't mind me saying that SteveKaye helped me when I was worried about it .
Try to think logical that's at least three of us on one forum !!!
And there will be more .
I hope this helps a little but please trust what your neurologist says again that's three of us with three different neuro Drs all saying the same .
And now relax and breathe

19-03-15, 00:50
Thank you! I thought I was alone here because nobody was replying. I calm down for awhile about it but my anxiety is so severe to the point where I can't work or go to school. I got out of my agoraphobia.. But I still get SO bad at night and it's driving my mom and everyone crazy. I racked up doctor bills from specialist to therapist.. Nothing seems to be working at all. I can't go to the ER because it's too expensive. I'll like convince my mind to shut up and just say screw it but my symptoms will be so bad I'll be shaking, muscle twitching and pain, pounding heart, thoughts racing, nausea to were I can't eat because I'm afraid of throwing up. I don't know how to not let it all get to me and accept it like everyone says to do