View Full Version : Wasting doctors time

18-03-15, 09:42
I have had a pea size lump on the back of my neck for 5 weeks now, been to GP twice who wasn't concerned but ordered blood tests to ease my worries. I can't leave it alone sometimes I think it's smaller but then I don't know. The thing is I know that lymphoma does not show up in blood tests so I have made another appointment at the doctors next week. I'm so scared it's one thing after another. I have my first CBT next week too. I'm scared I am wasting his time but I'm scared of the lump more. All the blood tests were normal.

18-03-15, 18:41
If it is worrying you then make an appointment with your GP so that your mind can be put to rest. It is never wasting their time, it is what they are there for.

19-03-15, 13:35
My anxiety has gone to a new level. I have even phoned the lymphoma helpline this morning. It is 5 weeks now that I've had this lump, my husband says you can barely feel it and it's going down, but I don't think so. If it wasn't just in my hair I'd put a plaster on it to stop myself touching it. I've had clear blood tests but they don't show lymphoma so that is not reassuring me. Have made another appt with GP for next week. Am so convinced that it's lynphoma.

19-03-15, 13:51
It's been a month since "this" fear started. There's no evidence that you're physically ill.

Are you getting help with your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

19-03-15, 14:47
I'm with Fishmanpa, a doctor told you it was fine, blood tests are clear, so all that remains is taking actions against your anxiety. If you don't and you keep running after reassurance, you'll only end up reinforcing the habits. Not saying to stop talking to people or that reassurance is bad, just make sure you take time to fight the real issue underneath ;)

19-03-15, 15:25
It isn't wasting the doctors time, but you will at some point have to understand and accept that a doctor is more than likely to know what they are talking about.

I am sure he/she has seen their fair share of lymphoma in the past, and without looking into it I am sure it presents itself in certain ways - of which they are not seeing.

Try to have some faith in doctors, they do study long and hard to get where they are, and they should always have your best interests at heart so try to take some comfort in that :)

19-03-15, 18:08
I know you're all right and I have my first CBT on Tuesday but the gland is still swollen and it willbe 5 weeks since I noticed it tomorrow. Anything you read says that they should go down quite quickly, although I am not helping by touching it all the time. I am hoping CBT will help but cannot get the lymphoma fear from my head, I just move from one worry to another.

19-03-15, 18:19
I am in exactly the same boat so can sympathise - only I can feel sensations inside my throat as well - reading on here about the blood test thing has just made me worse. I have had mine since Xmas. Hope you feel better and get the help you need X

20-03-15, 23:04
Yes, most swollen glands from infections will clear up within 2 weeks or so, but that doesn't mean longer is impossible (I've heard 2 months), plus there's lot of thing this could be besides a swollen lymph node, like a muscle knot, a lipoma, a harmless cyst or a "scarred" lymph node (pretty sure I have this myself, pea sized movable lump on the side of the neck which hasn't changed in 3 months now).

Perhaps you could discuss this with your doctor better next time you pay him a visit and ask him to explain why he's not worried by this. Maybe you could also ask him what would be real warning signs if this was anything more (might not be a good idea depending on how your mind works, you know yourself).

But if I may ask, are you actively working to get your anxiety under control? Reading books? Consulting a professional? Attending group meetings? Doing exercises? Learning coping mechanisms?

I did a few months just trying to reassure myself, and when I noticed it was always once fear after another (still is to be honest) I decided to fight fear at its root instead of at its triggers, and it's made things 80% better within 1-2 months for me.

At any rate just hang in there! We all know what it's like to be dealing with HA.

20-03-15, 23:15
I am starting with CBT on Tuesday and to be honest it can't come quick enough. The GP said it was a gland but wasn't at all worried. My worry is that it's been there for 5 weeks now, but given the fact I can't leave it alone won't be helping it go down. I'm so scared. Hopefully the CBT will help me to calm down.

21-03-15, 09:32
I just wanted to say that I have two pea sized lumps in my neck. They have been there four about 10 years. When they first came up I was sent to an ENT specialist who after lots of tests he said he didn't really know what they were but probably lymph gland related. Nothing to worry about. Well I am still here and so are the lumps:D


21-03-15, 14:05
I'm hoping that these are nothing. They're not painful and have gone down slightly. I am now making a concerted effort not to keep touching it as I'm sure that makes it worse.

22-03-15, 02:40
I have little bumps on my neck in various places. Been there forever. Glad you are getting CBT and it will help if you put in the work.

22-03-15, 02:51
I read somewhere that unless the lump gets bigger, there's no need to worry. I've had a pea sized lump in my arm for years. I panicked, for ages, until I read that, and I completely forgot about it after. I just touched it and it's tiny now. A doctor also told me 'We all have lumps and bumps!' I have two in my mouth as well - and I just had the one when he said that (and I was freaking out about it, and he said it's normal) The second one looks exactly like the first one, so I've just never panicked. Sometimes lumps and bumps get bigger when they're irritated, like if you're touching them, but unless they really start to grow, or you get other symptoms, I wouldn't say it's cause for concern :)