View Full Version : dr again

18-03-15, 19:22
Evening all, well once again I have been to the drs, probably section me soon, so this time it was because I thought I had a lump under my arm, anyway he checked said its tendons, muscle etc, also upped my prozac to 60 mls as he believes I have ocd, anyway feel a bit better but still can't stop prodding, please can someone tell me how to overcome this, it is constant and just fuels my anxiety xx

18-03-15, 19:27
Have you ever tried CBT? Or another form of therapy?

18-03-15, 22:17
Has your GP offered you any support treatment. If not go back and ask to be referred.

19-03-15, 13:13
This actually happened to me and it was sort of my rock bottom. I bruised up my arm really well convinced I had a lump in it but it was my muscle. Honestly while waiting for CBT you need to actively take the reins to stop the prodding and the googling.

19-03-15, 16:51
I know, I'm really trying, I still keep prodding the muscle, its madness, I still keep thinking its a lump, I do have it on the other side but not as prominent, I am right handed which is the bigger muscle, I wish this would all go away xx

19-03-15, 17:12
Have a read of the Health Anxiety booklet on the NHS Tyne & Wear site, Herbie.


Might have a few helpful pointers in there.

Edit: Direct link to pdf here (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hypochondria/Documents/Health%20Anxiety%20A4%20%202010.pdf).

19-03-15, 18:38
Thank you, I have just downloaded it, will give it a read xc