View Full Version : anyone to talk too

anx mum
18-03-15, 21:30

18-03-15, 21:48
Ahh you feeling fed up? Bad day,?

anx mum
18-03-15, 21:55
just really worried for over 2 weeks had shoulder and chest pain scared somethings going on the docs have missed thanks for replying

18-03-15, 22:15
Am assuming you have been to the doctor to get it checked out. What did he say

anx mum
18-03-15, 22:21
had ecg chest xray, and blood work all come back ok, just feel so awful scared that something is a miss my anx is sky high worried sick

18-03-15, 22:57
Integestion can cause bad chest pains,and it can go on for ages. My mum had a real bad problem with this.

19-03-15, 01:37
Hi Bev

I know you are not on here now but I don't usually come here until late:ohmy:

I hope you get these pains sorted! Although sometimes (maybe most times) we have these pains and they are not life threatening but to put a name on it helps, doesn't it? As long as it's not a bad illness name, right?

My mum had headaches for the longesssssssttttttt time, like years and years and years. She thought she had a brain tumour coz her brother had one, but tG she didn't and the headaches were just that, headaches for no apparent reason.

Just told you that story because you've had all the tests and there is nothing wrong. Pain is just pain sometimes Bev, horrible as it is:weep::mad:

Take care

19-03-15, 09:31
Without taking away how obviously in pain and distress you are, Anxiety in itself can cause the exact symptoms you are having.
It's so difficult though to ease the worst thoughts and decrease the anxiety understandably, I do hope that by now you are feeling somewhat better.
I wish you well.

anx mum
19-03-15, 12:11
Thank u for all your comments im feeling a little better today so far. Gonna see how today goes and go to gp tomorrow if feel bad again.

anx mum
19-03-15, 18:18
Got burning in my chest now where the sterumn is really don't know whats going on going to see my gp tomorrow

20-03-15, 02:07
Sounds like acid reflux Bev. Go to docs though as he can tell you for sure.

anx mum
20-03-15, 17:37
Been to see dr he was a locum said chest sounds like acid reflex and my shoulder sounds like a rotator cuff injury. He told me not to worry about heart its so hard not to worry:weep:

anx mum
21-03-15, 10:01
Hi all feeling very anx as my hubby has gone to work im at home with my kids got pain in shoulder and feel abit short of breath

anx mum
22-03-15, 13:31
Hi guys not feeling great again today has anyone had burning where there sterumn is Im getting really concerned

22-03-15, 15:03
Just want to say that it's easy to continue worrying if the pain or discomfort doesn't go away- but if there was something big enough to worry about then your tests would've showed something!

I had the same symptoms and after EKGs, ultrasound of my heart, heart monitor, MRI, and x-Rays, and normal blood work, my doctor told me it was most likely heart burn. I didn't believe him because I didn't have the typical "acidy" feeling that comes along with heart burn. Eating certain foods didn't seem to help or worsen my symptoms. Just a constant pain in my chest, sometimes localized other times all over, also heaviness, couldn't take a deep breath etc.

Regardless, he prescribed me Prilosec 40mg to take once a day for 2 weeks. I was reluctant but took it anyway. Can I just say that I took it the first day (one hour before breakfast) and the next morning I woke up feeling better than I had in months. No morning chest pain or burning sensations. I continued taking the medicine for the recommend 2 weeks. Months later I am so much better. You could have an inflamed esophagus or ulcer that can be causing chest pain especially the burning. There are no side effects from the medicine whatsoever so it couldn't hurt to take. Best of all you could get it OTC instead of waiting for a prescription. Just a suggestion! Hope you feel better :)

23-03-15, 16:54
I've no idea how you get all these doctor's appointments to be honest with you - it takes me a month to see mine.

You have been worried that you have had various fatal conditions for years and yet you're are still alive and (physically) well.

That ought to tell you something.