View Full Version : right side of head/ seizures?

18-03-15, 23:59
for a long time ive been worried about a brain tumour, my headaches only happen on one side of my head. i have other problems like dizzyness, pins and needles etc i also keep zoning out and staring into space i wonder if it could be absense seizure. i also get weird feeling behind ny eye and because its always the right side it makes me worry its a tumour.

19-03-15, 17:18
I worry about brain tumours every single day. It's my worst fear. I have awful depersonalisation, dizziness, visual disturbances, heaviness in my limbs, muscle twitching, pins and needles, tired all the time... I'm absolutely convinced I've got a tumour. I can't shake the feeling, I feel I'm getting worse everyday. :(

19-03-15, 20:58
i know the feeling, have you see a dr?