View Full Version : Anxiety Caused By Seeing Others Unwell

19-03-15, 09:07
Hi :)
I find that I get anxious thoughts/panicky when I see other people who are ill. I saw on facebook once a girl I knew from primary school was having a serious operation and it made me feel anxious. Not long after, I had a high anxiety/panic 'episode'.
It sounds silly, but my neighbour's cat (who acts like he's my cat!) was in my garden yesterday and kept retching and struggling to breathe. It made me panic and got my heart pounding and it has shook me up. I was worried also that he might have something stuck in his throat and that made me anxious as I get high anxiety about choking although I did manage to eat all my tea last night so I'm doing good. I guess I'm worried that seeing him retching may trigger off my anxiety about choking again. I know we can control our thoughts and control the panic, but it still makes me worry that the fear will come back.
Does anyone else get this?
Many thanks, :)

19-03-15, 09:24
I get it, I understand, I also at times fall to crippling anxiety when I see others who are ill.
It then stays with me for some time, I feel all the symptoms that I assume they feel, fortunately it eases and I begin again worrying about many other things.
I wish you well.

19-03-15, 09:27
Thank you kanji! :) Ah yeah I understand it where it stays with you and you keep thinking about it. But yes, it does ease and will pass.
Many thanks for your reply :) All the best to you too.

19-03-15, 14:29
Hello Rosie
Just to reassure you about the cat. It was more than likely coughing up a fur ball, which is perfectly normal, even though it looks horrible. They do it all the time x

19-03-15, 15:42
I get that as well. I had been doing well over the past few days, stopped worrying about things and trying to get on with my life. Then, last night I heard that my cousin is dying of cancer and I'm worrying about little things again, it's horrible!

I feel really bad because it's not happening to me but I just can't stop it.

24-03-15, 15:27
This happens to me all the time. I have horrible anxiety when people talk of mental diseases or bad physical illnesses. I, for the most part, try to avoid these conversations or whenever they're discussed in the media (TV, news etc). If any symptom is discussed I'll in some way relate it to the physical or mental effects of my anxiety.

24-03-15, 16:48
I can understand that, sunday i picked my friend up from the trauma ward after he almost cut his hand off last week, and there was a poor chap opposite in a bad way looking at him it was obvious he wasnt going to come out of there.
Yesterday i felt ill, It stressed me out all sorts of things went through my head, I knew I was going to struggle going up there but I wasnt going to let my panic put me off.
I manged in there resonable in fairness considering in all honestly probably wasnt the best idea.:weep: