View Full Version : URGENT advice needed???

19-03-15, 12:15
something incredibly weird happened with my eyes.

i need urgent help or advice. i was on the computer then suddnly got these weird floaters that looked like zig zaggy lines in one eye only, it stopped after i went away from the pc, about 5mins later it had gone. was it from the PC use?? i googled and omg it came up with something called detached retina: I have health anxiety, i cant need to have an operation is all im thinking right now.

thing is, i do have very bad myopia, maybe its just something to do with that, and sometimes i get 'normal' regular type floaters.

i read up on this and it was sorta like the 'jagged lines' i read about but in one eye only, and now i do feel a tiny headache, they said it could be a before a migraine vision change? well this hasnt come on to a migrain yet tho i do get them, but ive never had this weird lines of electricity that i saw before.

im not sure wteher to go to the opticians or the hospital, and im too anxious to consider going anywhere but that was highly odd. i need some

advice and quick :( has anyone had this before?? is it likely to be detached retina?? they did say i had something wrong with the back of my eye, but i think it was something different to that, my optic nerve too small or something think its called hypoplasia. but i am SO worried now, i cannot think :weep::weep::weep:

edit_ im most worried bec`uase i got told to go back for a chek up for my eyes but i didnt go cos of my health anxiety, im worried its something bad like a tumour is that likely???? im so scared theyre gonna tell me this is somewthing bad, ie retina detachment, or something that could kill me:( please help someone!!

19-03-15, 12:37
Im sure its nothing, probably because you were sat looking at the screen for a while, and may have a slight headache coming on. Just breathe and calm down, you will be fine.

Oh, and book an eye test to save on future worries :)

Always on the run
19-03-15, 13:02
Sounds like an ocular migraine. Nothing bad, just annoying. Get them myself a couple of times per year. The jagged visual phenomena and a mild headache afterwards are typical for this condition.